TressAnew by Harmonium

Product Name: TressAnew by Harmonium

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How much longer before I’m forced to chop it off?

Should I hide my progressively thinning hair under a hat or extensions…

Am I eventually going to have to bite the bullet, shave it off and wear a wig?

It’s socially acceptable for men to wear hats all the time…

Or shave their head and look fine…

Our hair is part of our identity…

It’s an extension of who we are…

It makes us feel feminine, fierce, and beautiful…

But unfortunately for women like me…

Someone who was in the middle of a massive hair crisis…

You get painted with a broad brush that you’re just some old lady… who’s past her prime… and might as well be invisible.

I know it’s scary and feels humiliating…

Some days it’s easier to hide away from the world than spend what feels like an eternity in front of the mirror…

Toying with your hair to mask how thin and brittle it’s gotten…

Or attempting to cover-up every broken section of hair that shows through…

Only to say “screw it”…

Throw on a hat or bandana…

And pray you don’t get some weird look or ignorant comment that puts you in a funk the rest of the day.

You may feel alone and hopeless right now…

Like you’re in a fight to revive your hair and save your precious strands all by yourself…

And there’s even more who struggle with increasingly thin and lifeless hair…

And more often we’d rather jump off a bridge than talk about it…

Well, today is a new day with new possibilities and renewed hope…

And you’re going to be surprised and relieved to find that despite what you’ve been told…

The problem isn’t your genetics, or your age, your thyroid or how stressed you’ve been lately…

It’s actually far more simple than you think.

The reason for your hair loss has to do with…

That’s been confirmed by a group of top dermatologists in Australia, China, India… and now the United States.

This enzyme can cause an abrupt advancement of thinning on your scalp…

Like a sudden violent wind blowing over a dainty dandelion…

Scattering its seeds in the air until it’s bare as a q-tip.

Your once thick, healthy, shiny hair…

Becomes a thin, dull, and unwelcome revelation of your scalp…

Making you appear years older than you are…

And that life is wearing you out like a bra on it’s last hook.

I’ll share exactly what this sneaky hair-degrading enzyme is in just a minute…

Plus a simple 5-second “finger test”…

That will quickly reveal if this enzyme is responsible for the strands of hair that gets caught in your brush right now.

I’ll share the 100% natural kitchen remedy you can use to stop this sneaky enzyme from stealing more of your precious hair and confidence…

Without even needing a mirror.

It’s not a scalp treatment…

Or some complicated, worthless DIY treatment…

You won’t need to fill your bathroom drawers with more stylist tools or fancy products to put in your hair…

You don’t need expensive wigs or extensions…

In fact, if you’ve gone down that road already… you’ll finally have the courage to donate your old extensions, wigs or hats to those who actually need it…

Because Mother Nature’s little-known “hair rejuvenation remedy” that I’ll share in a minute…

Just like you had in that favorite Facebook photo from a few years ago where you look so young and stunning.

You’re going to feel like you’ve gone back in time…

Are more confident, and dare I say… sexier than you’ve felt in years, maybe decades…

You’ll have hair that you can dress up or down in any style with total confidence…

Hair that looks naturally stunning, even if you don’t touch it at all…

You might even giggle when people think you’re way younger than you actually are.

This isn’t some empty promise, speculation, or hearsay… it’s fact.

And when you follow the super simple tip I’ll share with you today…

Your hair will bloom like a tree planted by a river.

No matter what the status of your hair is right now…

What curveball life throws at you…

Or how much stress you’re under…

These natural ingredients work synergistically to protect, nourish, and grow your hair from the inside, out…

Making your precious strands, both old and new…

Strong, durable, and radiant…

Regardless of your diet…

Or how many times you wash your hair…

Or how much “heat” you subject it to with your curling iron.

The kind of hair that bounces when you walk…

Gives more dimension to your short and sassy style…

Hair you can do-up in unlimited self-expressive ways…

And never have to spend more than a few minutes in front of the mirror if you don’t want to.

No more carefully maneuvering every strand of hair to draw attention away from the spots you’re insecure about…

Or checking the mirror and combing every 30-minutes to hide the spots that trigger your worst hair insecurities…

Or having to stick to boring hair styles…

Cutting your hair shorter than you want…

Or anything else you’ve thought or tried.

This new and shockingly simple breakthrough will revitalize your hair follicles…

What was once short, dull, and frail…

Will become healthy and strong…

Even those tiny stubborn baby hairs that never want to grow…

Will suddenly hit a mammoth “growth spurt”…

And your edges will come back strong as you remember from 15-20 years ago.

This FREE informative page won’t be around much longer…

Because they can’t profit off Mother Nature’s hair remedy…

See, they want you to believe that the state of your hair is determined by your genetics or age…

That there’s nothing you can do to help it along…

Other than taking their chemical-filled products and expensive treatments.

That’s simply not true…

To them you’re just a vulnerable, panicked woman who they can manipulate with their pocket-lining products…

Which is why the “hair care” industry has grown to a whopping 3.3 billion dollars…

Plus the 5-second “finger test” to determine if this solution is a good match for you…

But first let me finish telling you about the day my greatest nightmare came true…

And how it led me to stumble on an amazing hair rejuvenating breakthrough that’s now helping thousands of regular women just like you.

I’m a 57 year-old wife, mother, and grandmother…

I woke up on a Tuesday morning, took a shower like normal…

Except this time after scrubbing in my shampoo…

And sifting my hands through my hair…

I could feel my fingers getting tangled with strands of hair…

I was just starting menopause…

And, this was horrifying.

I had lost hair after giving birth to each of my children…

And now the constant shedding started again.

Within months I went from luscious hair… to having way more breakage than before I was pregnant…

There was visible thinning almost everywhere and I couldn’t hide the broken spots no matter how I parted it.

And the hair that I did have was drab, lifeless, and brittle.

Seeing the reality of my progressively changing hair…

It didn’t matter what cute outfit I put on that day or how fancy I did my makeup…

The reality of my hair plagued my every thought…

Nothing made me feel pretty. Or desired…

I was having trouble loving the woman in the mirror…

I know it sounds crazy…

I mean, how can a bundle of strands make a woman question her sense of self…

Us women grieve the death of our hair differently, and I’m not one to judge.

Before my hair fell flat, my morning routine was a dream…

“Which hairstyle should I wear today”…

“Should I straighten my hair or curl it”…

“Wear it up, or down…”

Now, I have to question every little move I make…

“Should I shampoo today knowing that the anticipation of the few tangled strands of hair wrapped around my fingers will only heighten my anxiety?”

“How am I gonna cover up this mess?”

“What will everyone think if I wear a hat to work?”

And then the annoying checklist…

Did you throw out the spindle of hair you stuck on the shower wall? Check.

Did you survey the drain to make sure it’s not clogged? Check.

Did you sift through every square inch of your head scrutinizing your broken and thinning strands of hair? Check.

Even my husband had “what the heck” encounters with my hair…

If the loose strands sticking to his shirt weren’t enough…

One of my favorite things we’d do is curl up on the couch and watch a movie together and he’d run his hands through my hair…

But one night, while he was playing with my hair, sending those little tingles down my spine…

I felt his hand jump off my shoulder like he touched a spider…

When I looked over at him, he was unraveling a few strands of hair from around his fingers.

All I could do was apologize.

He began to show fewer of those sweet gestures because he didn’t want me to feel bad.

Well, it only made me feel worse…

Because now this is affecting the people I love the most.

The only time he “touched my hair” from then on was when he’d pull it out of the sink drain or pull a few strands from his shirt.

And, woman to woman — it really struck a blow to my confidence.

These bundles of strands brought out the worst in me…

I didn’t feel confident…

And honestly — I felt like less of a woman.

I mean, it probably seems shallow.

I’m generally happy with everything else about my life…

But so much of my confidence and perception of beauty is tied to my hair…

And I didn’t realize it until the day it started to become an insecurity.

And if you’re struggling with humiliating changes with the appearance of your hair…

Or your hair just looks old and tired and is feeling thin and brittle…

Then it probably felt that way for you too.

In just a second you’re going to discover a cutting-edge new hair-rejuvenating secret…

And it’s not something you’ve ever seen, heard, or tried before because the research is brand new…

And it’s going to shock you in a good way…

Like a surprise birthday party you never expected.

You’re going to quickly realize that genetics, age, menopause, hormone imbalances, stress, thyroid issues, and the enormous list of theories we’ve come to believe…

Has NOTHING to do with your dull, flat hair.

That’s why nothing you’ve tried in the past has worked.

See, the real reason for your hair troubles…

Especially as you’ve gotten older…

Has to do with a sneaky enzyme that can effect the appearance of your hair.

I’ll let researchers, scientists, and naturopathic doctors far smarter than me show you the real and raw evidence in just a bit…

That will reveal if this sneaky enzyme is the reason for the state of your hair.

93% of women who take this test find that it is…

And when you stick around…

You’ll discover how to “turn off” this hair-degrading enzyme with a simple at-home kitchen remedy…

Jumpstart your natural hair growth.

You’re going to feel so beautiful and confident after you try this…

You’ll finally be able to express your unique style with your hair again…

The compliments you’ll get about your hair and how great you look are going to make you feel like a million bucks…

And the “you,” you remember…

The woman who was confident, beautiful, sexy, and full of youth…

It wasn’t until I reached my boiling point that I stumbled into this new hair-reviving breakthrough…

Basically— the more people judging me by my hair… the more desperate I got to fix it.

For whatever reason people feel like it’s okay to ask me about my hair and point out my flaws.

Kids are the worst with this, God bless them.

I love my grandkids, but they have no filter.

It was Memorial Day weekend and we were having a big family picnic…

My in-laws, kids, grandkids and cousins I haven’t seen in years, were all there…

I was standing in line next to my husband about to scoop some potato salad on my plate…

When my 5 year-old grandson blurted out…

Everyone within ear-shot heard him…

I could feel every set of eyes at the picnic lasering in on me.

His innocent comment was like a punch to the gut from a heavyweight boxer.

I immediately lost my appetite and set down the spoon…

My face turned beet red…

I couldn’t utter a word or catch my breath…

My anxiety started racing like the Indy 500.

My husband’s hairline had gotten worse over the years…

And my hair struggled with breakage in the same areas…

She had terrible hair after having her babies…

So she knew the struggle…

And I hoped she wasn’t stuck with the same crappy hair genetics.

No amount of hugs or words could make me feel better at that moment.

They say what everyone is thinking but are too polite to say.

Once my family leaves I know the first thing they’re going to talk about on the drive home is…

“Oh my gosh… did you see her hair? Did you hear what her grandson blurted out… I would have died!”

I would be the talk of the party for the most embarrassing reason.

I was so humiliated that later in the day… when it was time to take a family group photo…

I made an excuse that I had to run to the bathroom…

I told them to take it without me…

But everyone said they’ll wait till I get back.

I didn’t want them to wait…

I wanted them to forget about me.

I wanted it to be erased out of history…

I didn’t want a photo of my thin brittle hair to go around on Facebook and show up every year in our memories…

A photo where people can point, stare and say, “wow, look at Susan’s hair, I feel so bad for her”.

I locked myself in the bathroom for what felt like an eternity…

Standing in front of the sink about to throw up…

Staring at the fractured woman reflecting back at me in the mirror…

Mascara ran down my cheeks as I hopelessly tried fixing my hair to cover my broken strands and brittle looking sections without any luck.

That day changed everything.

My brittle hair wasn’t just noticeable to me anymore…

But to my kids… to my friends and family… people I work with, random judgemental strangers…

So I made an appointment with my hairstylist the very next day to see what I could do to fix it…

I never wanted to be embarrassed in public like that again.

But what happened next had me lose all hope in humanity.

I was sitting in my stylist’s sleek black chair…

She’d just thrown an apron over me…

And before I could explain what was going on— she blurted out…

The mirrors in the salon became daggers.

Every set of eyes peered at me through that plate of glass.

Pierced through me and pushed every insecure button in my body.

I wanted to say in my moment of now common insecurity…

“Why yes Mary, I am well aware my hair is losing it’s luster…

I’ve tried everything under the sun to get my bounce and shine back…

Special shampoo? Been there, done that…

Miracle hair serums? Yep, tried that too..

No, I don’t want your advice out of sympathy.

Lastly, I’m self conscious, embarrassed already..

Thanks for making my decent day awkward, and crappy.”

The days of going to the salon for girl gab and pampering were long gone.

But now I feel like no matter what I do… I can’t be as pretty because of my hair issues…

I felt like half a woman.

Even on fun days with my family, there was always a dark cloud that followed me.

For the first time in my life I wanted to stay home and not see anyone.

It was just easier to not have to “fake it.”

I used to greet everyone with a huge smile… but now it’s with a half-hearted grin.

When my hair isn’t to my satisfaction I just don’t feel like myself.

We all have our stories…

I was in the same boat and I’m here to navigate you through this storm like a captain of a cruise liner.

You’re going to save more time and money… instead of wasting it on every shampoo, supplement, treatment and cover up imaginable.

This new hair-saving remedy you’re about to discover… is already helping thousands just like you…

FINALLY get the youthful shine and bounce back into their hair…

While gifting your hair with new life, body, and color too.

You’re about to have a great awakening.

Your eyes are gonna be opened.

And you’re gonna go back to the woman you were before that first startling moment where you realized your hair was becoming wispy and dull.

Less hair getting trapped in the drain or around your brush.

No more upsetting comments, nagging reminders, or metal warfare about the status of your hair.

There’s no more anxiety…

No more fear of how your hair will end up looking today.

There’s no more stress contemplating the endless options of what you must do to SAVE your hair.

You’re standing in front of the mirror with a giant smile on your face…

Joyfully playing with your hair…

Trying all sorts of fun styles.

No more having to fuss with your hair to make it more voluminous and hide those trouble areas…

No more just “working with what you’ve got”…

Thick, healthy, shiny hair that makes you look so young and full of life…

You’re noticed when you walk into a room…

And recognized for all the right reasons, instead of people passing judgment.

With this new discovery your hair will look as beautiful as it has in years, maybe decades…

You can let it grow out longer because of how much healthier it is…

Or you can keep it short— but still have enough hair to style it and look cute.

You can pull out your curling iron and straightener that’s been buried in your drawer…

And get back to loving life again…

Now with a totally new outlook and appreciation for having your hair back and better than before…

And finally being present in the moment…

Instead of always worrying about what your hair is doing.

It’s all possible when you realize the TRUE root cause of all your hair troubles…

And how easy it is to fix.

You can apply as much heat to your hair as you need…

Wash it out as many times a week as you want…

Brush it 100 times in the morning and at night…

And look in the mirror to see healthy, strong, lively hair that grows, and grows, and GROWS!

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been dealing with vulnerable brittle strands of hair that are prone to getting caught in your brush…

Or if your mom, your aunts, and your sisters have all lost their hair…

Because this stunning new solution is so powerful…

It can overcome even the worst genetics…

Because it stops the little-known hair-degrading enzyme dead its tracks.

And if you’re skeptical that’s okay…

You’ve likely tried just about everything to fix your dull, fragile hair and get it back to where you want it to be…

You’ve tried products that promised you the world…

Vitamins, shampoos, DIY treatments like coconut oil or other remedies, with no success…

You’ve put up with people’s “unsolicited advice” to do this, that, and the other to try and fix your hair.

Maybe you’ve gotten to the point where you’re debating cutting it even shorter…

Or buying expensive extensions…

Stop. Take a deep breath. You don’t have to do anything with your hair that you don’t want to.

It’s NOT because of your genetics…

Or a drop in estrogen levels…

It doesn’t have to do with your thyroid…

In fact, when my hair was losing its thickness and shine…

I paid a visit to my doctor and had all the tests run…

She checked for a vitamin deficiency…

She checked my iron, B12, cortisol, and a bunch of other “levels”…

And they all came back normal.

Don’t get me wrong— normal is good…

But it’s also frustrating when you don’t know what the cause of your hair troubles is.

Plus— even if my doctor did find some sort of deficiency or cause…

It still would not have been the root cause behind women’s hair struggles.

Which isn’t her fault…

It’s just the novelty of this hair-degrading enzyme is so new that your doctor or dermatologist likely hasn’t even heard of it yet.

A drop in estrogen levels…

Are all a flashing red warning sign of this sneaky hair-degrading enzyme that the University of Michigan’s 5-second finger test will reveal. See…

Out of desperation most women put a lot of “bandaids” on the problem…

For example, they have expensive hair extensions put in…

But in doing so, those heavy extensions damage the precious natural strands you’re already worrying about.

There’s also countless “hair, skin, and nail supplements”…

At home DIY treatments…

Other alternatives that are chemical based and may do more harm than good…

And most of these are a giant waste of time and money. You know because if they worked for you then you wouldn’t be here right now still unsatisfied with your current hair situation.

And if we’re being honest, at the end of the day…

Because it means more time in front of the mirror…

More trips to your hairstylist…

And I don’t know about you…

But as a busy woman — I can hardly use the bathroom in peace.

So adding more gadgets to my morning or nighttime routine just doesn’t work.

See, your hair troubles come down to this sneaky hair degrading enzyme… and here’s how it works:

See after having a baby. Or during menopause. Or just as you get older…

Your estrogen levels drop.

This is a natural occurrence and it’s unavoidable.

Some doctors will tell you this is the root of your hair troubles but never go deeper…

But there’s layers to this… like peeling an onion.

See — when your estrogen levels drop…

Your testosterone levels rise. Yes, women have some testosterone, just like men have some estrogen.

Now, think of the estrogen-testosterone relationship like a seesaw on the playground:

When one goes down… the other goes up.

Even still— this natural increase in testosterone you’re experiencing is still NOT the root of your hair troubles…

The root of your hair loss is found in an enzyme called 5 alpha reductase… which we’ll call “5-AR” for short…

5-AR converts your naturally rising testosterone levels into a hormone that’s 10X more powerful than testosterone…

It’s called dihydrotestosterone, or “DHT” for short. 2,3

It’s the same hormone that causes some men to want to hide their hair under a hat, look for toupes, or eventually shave their head…

And this same hormone has a similar effect in women too.

It starts by making your hair brittle and thin…

And then eventually it begins to get more fragile where it feels like even the slightest touch can cause damage to your hair or occasional shedding…

But the longer you let this enemy hormone have it’s way, the worse your hair problems eventually get.

See— your hair follicles have receptors at the bottom of them…

These receptors absorb nutrients to help your hair maintain good health, youth, and growth…

But it just so happens that DHT fits perfectly into those receptors…

So when DHT attaches to the receptors at the bottom of your hair follicles…

It creates a blockade at the follicle.

Nutrients can no longer enter the hair follicle…

So it gets malnourished, dull, and eventually lose its thickness… which makes you appear years older than you actually are.

That’s why trying to nourish your hair with collagen, biotin, hair serums, or anything else… will not work UNLESS you stop 5-AR from converting your testosterone into DHT.

Not only will you keep your hair from becoming dull and fragile…

You’ll also begin to grow gorgeous, healthy, strong locks again like you did before your DHT levels got so high.

Now— here’s how to know if DHT is the culprit behind your hair insecurities:

It’s a 5-second finger test I learned from researchers at the University of Michigan… 4,5

Do this right now with me.

Place it out in front of your face like this…

Now look at your ring finger and your pointer finger.

And as you just learned…

DHT is what’s causing your hair to become damaged, dull, and fragile to the touch.

Who knew your fingers could tell you so much about your hair!

So naturally the next question is…

As you’ve already learned…

Stopping the conversion of testosterone into DHT is the lynchpin you need to keep and grow strong healthy hair.

This isn’t my opinion…

Researchers from the prestigious Mayo Clinic agree…

Block 5-AR from converting your naturally rising testosterone into DHT…

And you’ll maintain strong, healthy hair because DHT won’t starve your hair follicles anymore. 6

The good news is, you have everything you need in your kitchen or at the local health food store…

Ingredients that are found in nature and backed-by-science to switch off the 5-AR enzyme.

No more hair-stealing DHT…

Plus there are a handful of other ingredients from nature that I’ll share in a minute…

That also increases hair thickness, supports faster growth, and even gives your hair more color and shine.

I’ll share exactly what these ingredients are in a minute. But first…

Here’s the first powerfully natural ingredient that can shut off the 5-AR enzyme and rescue your hair.

It’s a Chinese herb that help women boost the lustrous shine and volume of their hair… 7,8,9

This ancient super-nutrient is called Fo-Ti…

And when Fo-Ti is combined with a handful of other ingredients that I’ll share in a moment…

Some of which are likely in your kitchen right now…

You’ll grow youthful, thick and full hair like you had 10-15 years ago, or maybe ever.

And it’s for the exact reason you’ve learned today…

Fo-Ti is a powerfully effective 5-AR inhibitor.

The researchers even said it can fight the androgenic effects of DHT… 10

One of those “androgenic effects” being hair damage.

In another 6 month study, 97% of women who were given a Fo-Ti extract…

Had significant improvement in hair growth and appearance…

77% of women reported a dramatic improvement in the thickness of their hair… 11

And on top of that, a study from Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine discovered Fo-Ti can naturally boost the color and vibrancy of your hair. 12

The more I read about Fo-Ti and the two other ingredients that make up this hair-boosting trifecta…

And how they’ve been gathered from nature…

Tested and proven over and over in real clinical studies…

And have already helped thousands of women grow the kind of thick, healthy hair they thought they’d never get back…

I decided to try it for myself…

I’m not a food scientist…

I’ve never tried to combine ingredients before into a pill I can take or anything like that…

I wouldn’t even know where to start…

So I called one of my friends, who’s been an expert in this field for 25 years…

He is one of the top health supplement advisors in the world…

And works with a full blown team of nutrition experts, biochemists, and health researchers…

And he recommended that along with Fo-Ti and the two other show-stopping 5-AR inhibitors I’ll tell you about in a minute…

That I add a handful of other tried and true hair-rejuvenating ingredients…

And others I never heard of in my life…

Yet the science and the real life testimonials are truly amazing.

So we decided to team up…

He would formulate this new hair rejuvenating formula for me… and I would be his “guinea pig.”

And after shipping delays because of recent events in the world…

And having to wait longer than expected to finally get these ingredients in their powerful combination delivered to my door…

All while my hair was still losing it’s shine and shedding…

I finally got to try it out.

And within days something exciting started to happen…

Now — I didn’t wake up with my 20-something’s hair…

But within a few weeks I started to notice changes that really boosted my confidence.

Instead of shedding in the shower…

I was only pulling out 5-10 strands… which is normal for any woman.

And I wasn’t seeing as many strands of hair in my brush.

For the first week or two I noticed the feel of my hair was improving…

But after week 4 it was like my hair growth reached a breakthrough…

And my hair was growing faster than it has in a long time.

The first few weeks my heart would still pound every time I’d wake up, shower, and look in the mirror just because I didn’t want to be disappointed.

But eventually I wasn’t scared anymore.

I was confident. Excited.

I’d wake up like a giddy kid on Christmas morning.

Every day felt like unwrapping a new present…

And it still does today…

Because my hair is getting longer, stronger and healthier…

And I’m not taking it for granted like I did before.

But while the ingredients worked wonders for me…

Like I said earlier, she’s dealt with hair problems after each baby…

And when she went through it…

I taught her how to tease her hair to make it look fuller…

A “trick” my mom taught me years ago.

So I knew that if this formula could work for both of us… then it could work for anyone.

So I shared some of my small supply with my daughter…

And I even gave some to my close friends and neighbors to try out…

Because they kept asking what the big secret was that gave new life to my hair.

And within a few weeks, they started to see the same kind of results…

And that’s when I knew I was onto something BIG…

I wanted to get this formula to help any woman going through the same struggle…

No matter your age or stage in life you’re in…

And no matter what your genetics…

To enjoy thick, healthy hair you can feel proud of…

So I reached out to my friend and his team of health experts, chemists, and researchers one more time…

And told him how powerfully effective this formula was for me and a handful of other women…

And asked if it was possible to create more of it…

And after being blown away by these amazing stories, some of which I’ll share in a minute…

He agreed to help me bring this formula to life for millions of women who are eager to finally put an end to the frustration, tears, and insecurities that come with aging hair.

In fact — my friend warned me these ingredients are becoming increasingly hard to get our hands on…

And with everything going on in the world… and less farmers in the fields and workers to help manufacture the formula…

It could be tricky… but he’d do everything he could to make it work.

And I’m happy to say, he stuck to his promise…

Which is why I’m standing here today…

And can proudly introduce you to what we consider a complete hair-revitalizing solution…

TressAnew has been carefully formulated to include three of the most potent 5-AR inhibitors found in nature…

To shut off this “hair-degrading enzyme” from converting your body’s natural testosterone into the balding hormone, DHT.

Plus, this formula includes a handful of other scientifically supported ingredients shown to support natural, long, stunning hair growth…

By supplying your hair the little-known vital nutrients it needs to grow thick, strong, and healthy…

I do have seasonal hair loss…only mine is worse in the summer. I have been using TressAnew for some time now. I’ve used maybe 4.5 bottles so far. It seems to be slowing the hair loss down quite a bit and new ones are growing in.

I have battled this since I was 31 (just after having my 3rd and final baby). I am now 69. If not for a good diet and supplements, I would be bald by now, and I am able to effectively cover my problem with fill-in products.

Love it!! Keeps this old lady’s hair looking good!!!

I love TressAnew and the results are absolutely amazing! This has been an answer to my prayers! How the Lord led me to this is beautiful, I give him all glory!

This product is not a lie and I want to thank the team! Blessings to you all.

So far I notice my hair is much more shiny and I love it.

I also notice that it falls into place by itself which is amazing as it usually takes awhile to coax it and recomb it a few times. Bonus.

I am a 72 year old American Asian woman who was balding at spots for several years. Since using TressAnew I’m happy to say I’ve noticed that it’s a lot less visible practically gone and it makes a difference to the way I feel about my looks.

Appreciate having this product to enhance my appearance. Thank you.

I like taking my hair supplements and it does make a difference because I feel and look healthier. It has more volume than it did before. Thank you.

But before you make your decision…

Let me share a little bit more of what makes the ingredients inside of TressAnew… the world’s most powerful solution to support healthy, noticeable hair growth in as little as the next few days…

And begin to restore the natural growth-ability your hair had in the prime of your youth.

You already learned about Fo-Ti…

And how it’s a potent 5-AR inhibitor…

Which is going to stop the conversion of testosterone to DHT…

Ultimately saving your luscious hair…

But we didn’t want to stop with just one herb to shut off 5-AR.

5-AR is the REAL root cause of brittle, thin hair…

So we wanted to use every weapon found in nature to shut down this enzyme from having its unwelcome way with your hair.

Which is why we added two more 5-AR inhibitors from nature to shut down 5-AR fast…

Nettle root is a natural herb first discovered in the Bronze Age…

And was actually used by Julius Caesar as an energy-boosting herb…

However new cutting-edge research now finds nettle root is a potent herb that not only blocks 5-AR from converting testosterone into DHT… 13

But also helps support faster hair growth.

Yet we didn’t want to stop there…

Along with Fo-Ti and nettle root…

We added another key ingredient to help combat years of built up DHT…

Saw palmetto was originally discovered by ancient South American tribes…

Has been used for all sorts of natural health remedies in dozens of different cultures…

And now studies show saw palmetto can naturally block DHT receptors so they can’t bind to your hair follicles… 14,15

We gave you the full trifecta of 5-AR inhibitors from nature…

And once you switch off 5-AR, and stop the conversion of testosterone to DHT…

That’s when the other ingredients I’m about to share can really work their hair-rejuvenating magic.

Horsetail is an ancient herb used in Greco-Roman cultures for a number of wonderful health benefits, including the health of your hair…

This Unique Herb Contains Antioxidants And Silicon…

Both of which have been shown in multiple studies to support long, strong, and faster hair growth.

First — antioxidants help slow the aging of hair fibers…

So you can maintain a youthful glow with your hair…

Second — silicon has been shown in studies to maintain thick lustrous hair and increase brightness… 16,17,18

And while this is exciting new research, remember…

Horsetail can only be effective AFTER Fo-Ti, nettle root, and saw palmetto stop the conversion of 5-AR into DHT.

It’s blocking the conversion of 5-AR into DHT first…

That allows all of the other carefully selected hair-stimulating nutrients inside TressAnew to work unlike any other formula or vitamin you’ve tried in the past.

That’s why so many women are raving about this formula.

And you’re gonna be next.

Now, along with horsetail…

According to a study published in the journal, Menopause Review…

Magnesium Is One Of The Most Vital Minerals For Your Hair… 19

See, calcium can build up inside hair follicles…

And when calcium builds up in the hair follicle, it clogs it…

But magnesium counteracts calcium residue that’s crusting up in the hair follicle…

Which helps your hair grow faster and easier.

Magnesium makes DHT far less potent, smaller, and weaker. 20

And anything you can do to weaken DHT… the more youthful and lively hair you’ll grow.

Now to round out our unique hair-growth formula…

And to give you the most exciting results you’ve experienced with any sort of hair growth vitamin or supplement you’ve tried in the past…

We decided to add a full gamut of vitamins and minerals… shown in studies to support rapid hair growth.

Which is kind of like a multivitamin for your hair…

One that provides you with every essential nutrient you need for fast-growing, thick, luscious hair…

And now that you have our 3 key ingredients to shut off 5-AR…

Biotin will work for you better than it ever has in the past…

Because you’ve finally put a stop to the DHT hormone from causing its unwanted affects on the appearance of your hair…

So your hair follicles can now absorb the biotin and other powerful nutrients inside TressAnew…

A complete hair-boosting formula that blocks the conversion of 5-AR into DHT…

So you can grow the thick, beautiful hair you remember…

And nourishes your hair follicles with the vitamins, minerals, and herbs it needs to give you thicker and fuller hair.

Now, like you’d imagine…

With all of these natural and proven ingredients…

Is challenging to make…

If I didn’t have a close friend in the supplement industry, there’s no way I’d be able to pull this off.

I’d be stuck in the same place I was…

With even more distressed hair by now.

And I want to make this formula so affordable, any woman can get started.

And I’m happy to say, we did just that.

I’ll share the good news in a minute…

All you have to do is take 2 small, easy-to-swallow capsules in the morning or at night…

Whichever one is best for you and is easiest to remember…

And the ingredients inside TressAnew will begin working right away…

Blocking the 5-AR enzyme from converting your natural testosterone into DHT…

And then giving your hair a refreshing boost of nutrients that it hasn’t been able to receive in years and maybe even decades because of DHT…

As a result, your hair will begin to grow thicker and fuller than it has in a long time…

And your confidence and happiness will spring up with it.

It’s really that easy…

The good news is women learning about this one-of-a-kind healthy hair-boosting formula are stocking up on TressAnew…

Bottles are flying off the shelves…

And it’s very hard to keep up with the demand…

Especially since most women are stocking up on the 3 or 6 bottle options of TressAnew…

Because each study I mentioned in this presentation lasted for at least 3 months…

Which means if you want to see the absolute best results from the ingredients inside of TressAnew…

You will take it every day for at least the next 3 months…

And I’m going to show you how to do that for an even bigger discount in a moment.

To hear snarky comments from your family, or hairstylist, or random strangers…

For people to think you’re unattractive, old or unhealthy because your hair isn’t as full, thick, and lively as it was before…

But that’s what society has been conditioned to believe…

And it would take centuries to change that kind of thinking…

I’m not saying it’s right…

I’m not saying it’s fair…

I’m just saying that the judging glances, the insecurities, that feeling of wanting to crawl under a rock and hide won’t go away until you get your hair back.

And I want to give you a lifeline right here and now…

That’s why my team and I have worked our tail off to make TressAnew as affordable as possible for you…

So you can enjoy thicker and fuller hair again…

Feel confident in your looks and how you feel about yourself…

Be that lively outgoing person again… and feel completely happy instead of always having this dark cloud following you around.

And right now is your big moment.

An opportunity that doesn’t come around often.

Now — some of the ingredients in TressAnew are rare…

Some are grown by farmers on the other side of the world…

Others are just plain expensive…

And if you were to try to get all these ingredients on your own, it could run up your bill by several hundred dollars every single month…

And that’s if you can even get your hands on all the ingredients.

But that’s why I’m so thankful for the team I partnered up with at Harmonium…

Because they know what they’re doing…

And they worked hard to understand my vision for TressAnew and make this…

We won’t charge you anywhere near that today…

In fact, we won’t charge even half that…

But it gets even better when you stock up on the 3 or 6 bottle option…

Because we want to reward women who want the BEST results…

Because it’s the women who take these ingredients for more than 3 months… who see the most thrilling, exciting, and jaw-dropping results with their hair.

So that’s why when you order 3 bottles of TressAnew today…

And when you make the best decision possible… to stock up on 6 bottles…

The ingredients inside of TressAnew gets to the root of your hair woes in ways other “solutions” never could…

Plus, because of the massive discount on this page…

You’ll save time and money…

And what smart and savvy woman doesn’t want that?

So this is your moment to take action…

All you have to do to claim your bottles of TressAnew is select how many bottles you’d like…

Whether it’s the 3 bottle option, the 6 bottle option, or whichever option works best for you…

Then, click the “Add To Cart” button…

After you do that, you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page where you can complete your order and tell us where to send your bottles.

I understand you’ve been burned by many products that made big promises but didn’t deliver like you hoped…

After all, that’s why you’re here, right? Because nothing has worked for you in the past…

Well today will be a totally different story with your experience with TressAnew… and we want you to feel confident in that decision.

So that’s why when you order bottles of TressAnew right now on this page…

We’ll protect your investment with our…

See — we’re not interested in taking your money if TressAnew doesn’t work for you.

That’s why if you’re one of the rare women who isn’t satisfied, we insist you get your money back.

All you have to do is email our support team…

Let us know that TressAnew didn’t meet your expectations…

And our friendly customer service team will issue you a prompt refund.

Listen — your satisfaction is far more important to us than money.

We only want positive results that change your life or nothing at all…

So we’re not promising you results here without putting any skin in the game ourselves…

You have nothing to lose by trying TressAnew for 90 days on us…

So if you’d say that restoring your hair…

Restoring your confidence…

And restoring your happiness is worth more than a plain black cup of coffee a day…

Then simply select how many bottles you’d like…

Click the button below…

Complete the form on the next page…

And we’ll immediately ship your supply of TressAnew to the address you provide at checkout.

So we’re getting down to the end of this presentation…

So if you’re still on the fence, I want to make your final 2 options clear as day.

How that pesky hormone, DHT, is ruining your hair follicles…

And the only way to restore your hair to it’s thick, shining, womanly glory…

Is to stop the 5-AR enzyme from converting your naturally rising testosterone levels into DHT.

Only then can you feed your hair follicles the nutrients it needs to grow healthy and strong.

This is NOT something that’s going to happen on its own…

It won’t happen if you just sit back and do nothing.

In fact, it’s only going to get worse and worse the longer you delay…

Your hair will get duller and flatter…

The changes will become noticeable to everyone around you…

Even to the point where folks may mistake you for being very old and sick…

You can continue to waste money on hair treatments at the salon that don’t work…

And even do more damage to your precious strands…

Or become a lab rat to all of the different types of home experiments you can do to get your hair back the youthful shine and body it once had…

But I know deep down you don’t want to wait anymore…

And in a way that actually makes real world sense…

And that’s why you should choose the second path…

And while you can get your supply for less than the price of a cup of coffee a day…

And when you get your supply of TressAnew in the mail…

Take your first serving of 2 easy-to-swallow capsules…

And sit back with a smile on your face knowing the ingredients are going to work right away to restore your hair to its former glory.

No questioning if this formula will work for you…

Because the ingredients inside of TressAnew will work…

The science proves it, the testimonials prove it…

It’s just a matter of you making the tiny commitment to not miss a single day of taking it.

Literally, all you have to do is take 3 seconds out of your day…

Lift your finger to your mouth, put one capsule in at a time… and swallow.

Within days you’ll have noticeably less shedding…

And you’ll enjoy thicker, fuller hair…

That you can run your hands through with confidence…

Style however you want…

And feel giddy with excitement like all is right with the world everytime you look in the mirror instead of the hopeless dread you’re feeling now.

It couldn’t get any easier.

But you could miss out if you don’t act now.

And I encourage you to do the same before we run out of stock…

Or before the major hair product companies find out and try to shut us down…

So go ahead and select how many bottles you’d like…

Again, I recommend the 6 bottle option…

Because like you know, hair takes time to grow…

So the longer and more consistently you take these ingredients, the better results you’ll get…

And just like the overwhelming majority of women who use the ingredients in TressAnew…

You’ll see thicker and fuller hair in a few weeks, maybe even days, and it’ll only get better from there.

So go ahead and make your selection…

Click the “Add To Cart” button…

And we’ll get your bottles delivered in 5-7 business days.

Your order is backed by our 90-day 100% money back guarantee…

So you have plenty of time to try your entire supply at absolutely zero-risk.

So go ahead and do that now…

So I’ll take a minute and address the most common questions I get and you can get started on your order…

To be frank, TressAnew gets down to the real root cause of female hair troubles, whereas other supplements don’t.

Our formula contains natural ingredients that’ve been shown in studies to increase blood flow to your scalp’s follicles.

And once you get better blood flow… you’ll keep and grow thick, full, and healthy hair

TressAnew is the only supplement you’ll ever need to support the results you want to see in the mirror.

As much as we’d like to say yes, TressAnew is not for women who suffer from alopecia, female pattern baldness, or other medical conditions that affect your hair. We suggest that you address those issues with your health care professional.

Yes. The ingredients in our formula are straight from nature and have been proven in hundreds of studies.

You can use TressAnew with confidence that it’s effective.

The only suggestion I have is if you’re pregnant, then speak with your doctor before using TressAnew.

Hair takes time to grow. So you won’t sprout a whole new head of hair overnight. However…

You can have full confidence that our formula is working beginning with your very first dose.

Studies show these ingredients work. It’s worked for myself, family and friends… and thousands of other women already…

So during those first couple days or maybe even the first couple of weeks, remember that this formula is proven to work. So no matter what you see in the mirror, keep taking TressAnew daily.

Most women start to see exciting, visible results within 4-6 weeks, which is why we recommend stocking up on the 3 or 6 bottle option…

Because even though it’s great to try out one bottle and see how it does…

That’s really just the beginning of all you can experience the longer you use this formula.

Absolutely. And that’s because genetics aren’t the root cause of your hair troubles.

It all comes down to increasing blood flow to you hair’s follicles.

TressAnew has worked for me, and for my family… and all of us have “bad hair genetics”…

As well as for so many other women who have bad hair genetics, too…

I’m confident it’ll work for you regardless of your family tree.

All you have to do is take 2 small, easy-to-swallow capsules in the morning or at night… whichever one is best for you and is easiest to remember…

And the ingredients inside TressAnew will begin working right away.

Do this every single day for thicker and fuller hair.

We’ll protect your investment with a 90-day 100% money back guarantee…

Meaning you have 90 days to decide how you feel about the results you get from TressAnew…

And if you’re not happy for any reason at all…

Then simply send an email to our friendly customer service team and let us know…

And you’ll get a full refund on your supply.

All you have to do to claim your bottles of TressAnew is select how many bottles you’d like below…

Whether it’s the 3 bottle option, the 6 bottle option, or whichever option works best for you…

Then, click the “Add To Cart” button…

After you do that, you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page where you can complete your order and tell us where to send your bottles of TressAnew.

So go ahead and do that now…

And I’ll see you on the other side of your order.

Of course – here’s the full label!

Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.

Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of TressAnew products and related products are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product.

Click here to get TressAnew by Harmonium at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

TressAnew by Harmonium is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


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