Bridport Health – The 7 Miracle Nutrients You Must Have

Product Name: Bridport Health – The 7 Miracle Nutrients You Must Have

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Worryingly, many drinkers put their concerns about liver health to the back of their mind because it seems all a bit too hard to think about!

It can be a slippery slope to a cirrhotic liver which is not where any drinker wants to go!

Because once you get there, you can’t go back, i.e. you can never drink again.

I don’t want this to happen to you, and I know this is not what you want to happen for yourself!

It’s not your fault that you may have partied a lot in your past, because that is what young people do!

I am going to introduce you to some emerging studies that back up what the money greedy pharmaceuticals are hiding from you.

I want to guide you and hold your hand and take you in the right direction that steers you away from the guilt-ridden feelings of…

‘I wish…’ or ‘Is it too late?’

The good news is your liver is an amazing organ that can in most situations replenish and heal itself, with the right resources.

You just need to arm yourself with more knowledge about how to do this…

That’s why I am going to give you bona fide resources of liver health awareness that you can be in control of…

That liberates you from worrying about your liver less, so you can get on with your life and bounce out of bed knowing you are taking some responsibility for your own liver health.

I am really excited to announce to you this ‘one of a kind’ liver supplement especially designed for people who like to drink alcohol.

It is the perfect solution to help support those who drink and those who worry about their liver health too!

The liver is the primary detox organ in your body.

It’s like the washing machine of your body…

You see there is one thing that drinkers don’t realise…

It’s just not the liver that is affected when we drink…

Now here’s the icky bit…

No matter what type of alcohol you drink, once it hits your stomach, it’s like drinking bleach!

The booze literally strips away your gut flora that keeps your immune system strong.

Each beer, wine, whiskey, bourbon or whatever you drink is digestively washing away important gut bacteria that keep you well.

And what is even more shocking is that poor gut bacteria can lead to reflux, bloated stomach, inflammation, allergies and unnecessary weight gain!

And this is just a few of the 100’s if not more conditions that can play out when your gut isn’t working as well as it should.

The medical profession is now acknowledging that if you support the health of your liver sooner, the entire body will thank you BIG TIME!

So, if you are a drinker, it makes sense to try and figure out how to help strengthen your liver, so it works better!

Of course, you could quit drinking, which is an option but…

Most drinkers don’t want to stop drinking!

As an adult, we all have choices in life and choosing to be a drinker is your right.

Drinkers want the best of both worlds ie. still drink and have a healthier liver which might seem a bit paradoxical but trust me…

I will show you how this can be possible as you read on!

You see, there is one thing still to this day that baffles me about doctor’s and their limited knowledge about liver health.

Because there is one consistent question that drinkers ask their doctor that I believe is never truly answered!

And I can assure you it’s not because your doctor doesn’t care…

It’s because at Medical School they spend less hours on this vital organ than they should!

It is kind’ve bizarre considering how many years they study how to help patients become well!

In fact, this is the EXACT question I am going to share with you that is not being answered correctly…

It’s what causes unnecessary confusion about liver health for drinkers.

Not to mention a drinker being embarrassed about asking the question in the first place!

I’m talking about the men and women who drink alcohol on a regular basis who have earned their stripes in life…

They’ve worked hard, raised families, struggled financially, juggled massive ups and downs in their lives and now want to enjoy their life a little bit more.

But this is exactly the time when they want to support their liver health!

Which many put down to the excess calories from booze…

Which is partially true…

However, weight gain has a direct correlation between how well your liver is functioning and how well you process alcohol, as well as other toxins.

You can probably already see I am on a mission here…

To tell you what the doctor’s don’t talk about…

Because when it comes to this important question…

It never gets fully answered!

And this makes me very angry…

As well as downright determined to stand my ground here…

It’s not just your liver that needs some nurturing if you are a drinker!

Your digestive system needs it too!

Just because you drink alcohol doesn’t mean you should feel like you’re in the dog house and that your health should be compromised as much as it has been.

Don’t get me wrong I am not condoning excessive drinking here…

In fact, the complete opposite!

My point here is being worried about alcohol affecting your liver health is normal and it is the most common ‘secret’ fear that drinkers have!

I am here to help you navigate your way to the best liver support while drinking alcohol in healthy ways.

I’ve been working tirelessly to support drinkers discover how to drink less and get their liver into better shape!

I’ve been regularly interviewed in the media from Sky News and The Times Newspaper to The Guardian and Psychologies Magazine about my special approach to drinking less alcohol.

The truth is we live in a drinking society and if you are anything like me a 55 year old Aussie woman who likes her Chardonnay and my 51 year old British partner Ian who loves his ice cold beers…

You might worry about the long-term effect of drinking alcohol…

I am guessing if you are reading this right now you like your alcohol too…

On any given day you read in the media about alcohol causing cancer, heart attacks, weight gain and many other health conditions but… They very rarely talk about what damage alcohol does to the liver!

The truth is… many drinkers don’t realise fatty liver and liver diseases are a silent killer and go unnoticed until it’s too late!

You may be thinking you’ve looked at support for your liver before. But there’s a lot of myths and misconceptions out there that can be confusing, misleading, or flat out lies that I am going to expose.

I’m here to help you navigate through all the nonsense and steer you towards the REAL truth with facts, science, and personal evidence collected over the years.

Many people know me as The Alcohol Reduction expert who developed a unique and highly effective program called 7 Days To Drink Less.

It’s been selling worldwide for over 20 years, helping thousands of men and women reduce their alcohol consumption and actually come to enjoy a drink rather than just drinking out of habit!

“I Am Worried About How Much I Drink And How It Is Affecting My Liver! Georgia, Can You Advise Me What I Should Take?”

For many years I’ve been telling my drink less customers about many natural remedies and I have given them a long list of these that have been proven to support liver health.

The list was extensive to say the least!!!!

When I went to my local health food store to find a well-balanced liver supplement I was completely confused about what to take!

I could never find the right combination… That targeted my needs as a drinker.

So, I would end up buying lots of things which was costing me a small fortune!

But even more tricky is getting the right quantities and the right balance, so I would end up taking half of one tablet and two of another!

But the most important point here was…

It was something that was bugging me big time.

No-one was producing an A grade liver supplement that included a probiotic for gut health, let alone for people who drink alcohol.

The very specific combination I was looking for just wasn’t there.

And there are very specific good bacteria strains you need when you drink alcohol, so it can be very confusing to know which ones are going to be right for you as a drinker…

It was a no-brainer for me, that this was the missing link and more importantly part of the bigger problem that wasn’t being dealt with.

It’s the gut that works with the liver to process and eliminate toxins…

When the gut isn’t working right, the liver has to work so much harder…

The issue for me and others is the cost of high-quality probiotics…

Because the higher the grade, the higher the price!

Then I lost my nerve when I was told I was on dangerous ground developing a liver supplement for drinkers, as I wasn’t qualified to decide what should be in the formula.

Which I wholeheartedly agreed with!

However, I had a good hunch what could be good but I needed to find an expert in this often confusing supplement world to back me up.

I knew in my heart I needed to pursue my dream liver supplement for drinkers because I myself and my customers were spending way too much money… buying sub-standard, low-grade mixtures of liver health promises that just didn’t add up…

I knew this just wasn’t fair.

Then good fortune knocked on my door when I went to a networking event for Health Experts in Phoenix, Arizona…

I don’t won’t to bring myself down here but…

‘I am girl from Melbourne, Australia’ and yes in my field I am well known but at this industry event there was some of the biggest health and wellbeing experts on the planet, so I was pretty shy.

And if I am going to be honest, my heart was pounding hoping people would be interested in working with a newbie.

I guess you could call it that co-incidental moment…

Where I was placed at a table sitting next to James Klein…

James has been in the supplement industry since 2001. The products he developed have been sold by the largest supplement retailers and online stores in the world.

He has assembled a team of experts in nutritional science, biochemistry, and nutraceutical manufacturing, allowing him to continually produce products that work.

At first, I was a little bit shy about telling him about my dream supplement idea…

I was waiting for him to give me the…

‘Are you crazy look!’

‘What do you mean a liver supplement specially formulated for drinkers!’

Instead, I got a very excited look from James and a huge nod!!!

I got seriously emotional as the tears welled up…

I wrapped my arms around him and couldn’t stop hugging him, which was kind’ve embarrassing for him, considering we had just met.

I was beyond happy and excited.

Because this was a moment in my business life where I felt I had finally found someone who understood my mission.

James said it was a well-needed supplement and that to his knowledge no-one had come up with this type of formula before.

So what is alpha lipoic acid?

Alpha lipoic acid is an antioxidant.

It has a unique ability to support the body’s ability to neutralize toxins and chelate heavy metals..[10]

Humans only produce alpha lipoic acid in small amounts. That’s why many men and women end up resorting to supplements to optimize their intake.

Red meat and organ meats such as liver are great sources of alpha lipoic acid, but vegetables such as broccoli, tomatoes, spinach, and my favourite brussels sprouts also contain it too.

The issue is getting the high dosage of alpha lipoic acid that is needed; therefore supplements can stack up to 1,000 times more alpha lipoic acid than food…

It’s the concentration that is necessary to get the full benefit that foods just can’t do.

Alpha lipoic acid is fat soluble which means that it can penetrate deep into the cells to exert its supporting effects[10]

What is really exciting is how multi purposed alpha lipoic acid is.

It’s an incredible supplement that several studies have shown to support a healthy inflammatory response in the body, which is the precursor to the resistance to weight loss.

High levels of inflammation is really bad when you are trying to lose weight because they impact hormone levels, which directly impact your fat cells.

We all know that inflammation is a ‘bad cop’ but many people don’t really know why when you are trying to lose weight.[2]

Your fat cells do more than just give you a jelly belly or cellulite. They are responsible for hormonal signals that tell your brain to burn fat and increase metabolism.

High levels of inflammation lead to dysregulation of these hormones and contribute to the condition known as leptin resistance.[3]

Leptin resistance is one of the main causes of weight loss resistance, which basically makes weight loss almost impossible.[4]

As you can see, alpha lipoic acid is not just beneficial to liver health but also great for weight loss.

Milk thistle is an ancient herb that has been used for thousands of years to support liver health. It grows natively in Mediterranean countries.[11]

Silymarin is the primary ingredient used in milk thistle.[23]

Milk thistle’s antioxidant agents can be extremely valuable to liver health. With Silymarin as its main active element, it assists with supporting overall liver health.[11]

This herb melts away the build-up of everyday toxins.

Because the liver is the primary fat-burning organ, milk thistle is often recommended to aid the body with regular detoxification and faster metabolic rates.

Milk thistle corrects digestion as it speeds up the removal of toxins and alleviates stress placed on the elimination organs, including the liver. The better the liver functions, the more effective it is in metabolising fat.[24]

Ashwagandha supports healthy detoxification. This means it is a powerful agent for protecting the overall health of the liver.

Studies show that ashwagandha nourishes your liver and optimizes your natural antioxidant levels.

Ashwagandha is an extremely effective medicinal herb that has a multitude of benefits pertaining to healthy liver function.

L-Cysteine Hydrochloride is an essential amino acid that is used to support overall liver health.[4]

Hydrochloric acids convert insoluble amines such as L-cysteine into water soluble compounds. When taken it is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract quickly.[5]

Once it’s absorbed in the GI tract the L-cysteine breaks away from the hydrochloric acid and the L-cysteine goes to the liver to be converted. When it reaches the liver the L-cysteine turns into glutathione. This makes it a very powerful antioxidant for liver health.

L-cysteine Hydrochloride has several health benefits including building the immune system and supporting liver detoxification..[4]

Green tea extract is a highly concentrated tea source, which has many benefits in aiding liver function.

It is particularly high in antioxidants and it supports overall liver health.

Green tea is beneficial in supporting healthy levels of enzymes including alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST).[27]

Turmeric is one of the most effective medicinal herbs that contain copious healing properties.

It is an Ayurvedic herb that has long been used by ancient Indian cultures to aid optimal liver health.[32]

However, it’s not just mercury, it’s other heavy metals that cause toxicity in the liver that turmeric can shield against.

Turmeric reduces the oxidative degradation of lipids and contributes in protecting the liver from harm. The curcuminoids suppress hepatic oxidative stress, which is very important for overall liver health.

Turmeric has proven amazing results in supporting healthy metabolic balances. [32]

This is one of my favourite liver herbs and I drink it in a coffee form.

I must admit it is an acquired taste…

My dad says it takes like ‘Cat pee!’

I wouldn’t go that far…

The good news is you can now take it in capsule form…

Dandelion extract (Taraxacum officinale) is one of the incredible Bridport Health Liver Support herbs.

A little bit about Dandelion…

It is a wild flower that grows naturally in many countries around the world. This widespread flower is well known for its yellow colour and fluffy blowball that breaks up and flies away in the wind.

The dandelion has long been taken as a medicinal herb and used as a diuretic to help with stomach, kidney, gallbladder and liver problems.

Dandelion is known to play a significant role in liver support. It also supports a healthy inflammatory response within the liver.

Dandelion root helps to cleanse the liver deeply by eliminating free radicals that interfere with the digestive enzymes produced by the liver. It assists in controlling levels of cholesterol and lipids in the blood.

Dandelion is considered a liver tonic as it powerfully detoxifies the liver and improves the flow of bile.

It is also an excellent herb that flushes out toxins and assists the liver to aid digestion and promotes healing…[36]

Because I knew that we could actually offer a lot more for worried drinkers.

I wanted to make a liver support that I would be seriously proud of…

A liver support that would make a difference to liver health.

So James and I came up with what I guess you could call the Bonus Nutrients that we know make an already great combination even better!

We added these to boost your liver health even more!

Remember, we want you to have a one-stop shopping liver support experience, so you don’t have to cram your kitchen cupboards with unnecessary amounts of extras…

As well as the expense of it too.

Ginger is one of the most used spices in the world and its medicinal properties have been given by herbalists in many cultures to aid digestion and liver function.

Ginger root protects the liver from ‘degenerative scar formation’ (fibrosis) according to a study published in ‘Nutrition and Metabolism.’ It helps combat liver degeneration and increases levels of antioxidant enzymes used by the organ. According to researchers it showed promising results in treating liver fibrosis.

Ginger also supports a healthy liver by reducing oxidative stress on the liver and supporting a healthy inflammatory response… [37]

Glutathione considered the ‘Master Antioxidant’ and is key to the regulation of the immune system and detoxification in every cell throughout the body. When alcohol consumed the whole body suffers. Free radical damage increases, the immune system is weakened and toxins build up in the body.[12]

When you drink alcohol your body breaks it down into acetaldehyde, which is a reactive compound more dangerous to the brain than alcohol itself. When glutathione is taken it assist greatly in ‘mopping’ up acetaldehyde in the system.[13]

Optimal levels of glutathione protect the liver from excess exposure to chemicals, pollutants, bad diet and even wrong yeasts. It’s repairs lever damage and offers long-term protection.[14]

Zinc has been found to help support the liver in many ways. Current research suggests zinc’s ability to support a healthy inflammatory response makes it extremely important for proper liver function.[15]

Zinc in a mineral and a trace element. Because it is a trace element very small amounts of it are crucial for our health.[17]

Zinc is essential for cell function, including celling growth, repair, division and activation. It activates DNA synthesis and RNA transcription. Zinc has over 300 enzymes, so even if you have a slight deficiency it can deeply affect your immunity and liver health.[18]

Selenium is a trace element, which is found in soil.[1]

These trace elements are minerals and they live in your tissues in small amounts. They are catalysts in our enzyme system.[2]

When you consume small amounts of selenium it contributes to your over all health and in particular your liver.

Selenium is a potent antioxidant, which removes nasty free radicals from the body.

Your liver cells regenerate when given the right environment and selenium contributes in a big way to enhancing optimal liver function due its trace mineral properties.[1]

Selenium helps to support your DNA[3]

Vitamin B3 plays a significant role in boosting liver health. It helps support the metabolism and neurotransmitter balance. Drinking alcohol ruthlessly depletes niacin and it is imperative levels are maintained as alcohol burns the supply quickly.

Not only this, people who drink alcohol are more likely to experience low vitamin B6 levels.

Vitamin B6 not only improves liver function; it has many other benefits as well. It helps the central nervous system, aids metabolism and creates neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.

It helps many functions in the body and creates over one hundred enzyme reactions to metabolize fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Too much alcohol depletes glutathione levels in the liver and this lessens the body’s ability to produce vitamin B12. In turn the liver’s function is compromised and depression and anxiety can creep in.[44]

Vitamin B12 helps proper red blood cell growth, neurological function, liver regeneration, heart, eyes and bone health and contributes DNA synthesis.[42] Acetaldehyde is formed by excess alcohol and it accelerates brain dysfunction.[43]

Appropriate levels of B5 are needed for proper liver function.[46]

Pantothenic Acid is commonly known as Vitamin B5. It supports a healthy inflammatory response and is crucial in controlling the production of cortisol. It helps with the metabolism of fat, carbohydrates, and proteins.[45] Pantothenic acid is used to manufacture Coenzyme A (CoA), which is an important component of liver function. A high amount of CoA is focused in the liver and plays a critical role in eliminating toxins.

And now for the really exciting news!

Probiotics have been proven to have a positive effect on liver health.

Probiotics have been used to support overall liver health. They lessen the production of bacterial toxins, help support balanced autoimmune reactions, intestinal absorbency and support a healthy inflammatory response.[47]

Lactobacillus Acidophilus

Taking lactobacillus acidophilus has benefits such as protecting and boosting the immune system. It aids the gut and the liver to help absorb nutrients.

Antibiotics kill the friendly bacteria in your body. Lactobacillus acidophilus helps restore good bacteria levels in the gut and is excellent for liver health too.[53]

This probiotic supports oral hygiene and gut health.

Recent studies suggest that L.paracasei may assist in combating weight gain. It has shown to be successful in reducing body fat and visceral fat. Visceral fat is an unhealthy fat that can cover major organs including the liver.

It promotes weight loss by reducing fat mass and administering leptin concentrations. It also fights against a high fat diet and reverses insulin resistance.

It is a dynamic way of boosting your immunity and fiercely attacks the bad bacteria in our bodies.[57]

B.Longum stimulated the immune function of people who had received the influenza vaccine.

There are a myriad of advantages of taking this probiotic including supporting liver health and oral health. It also supports overall health in the intestine walls.[61]

B.breve is great for gut health, weight loss, immune health, respiratory health and digestive health. It creates an antiviral immune response and supports overall immunity.

It also significantly reduced fat mass in 52 adults with the propensity for weight gain.

James went to work on extensive scientific research papers to back up my thoughts on what should and shouldn’t be in the formula. He worked tirelessly for months on our special formula and finally… Our Liver Formula for Drinkers was born!

But here’s the thing…

We know that drinkers can be a little embarrassed about drinking too much and…

Also, sometimes they can feel shamed admitting they like a drink or two and we understand this.

We are here to support YOU and protect you from this negative thinking, so you can start to embrace liver health from a kinder perspective.

Where there is no-judgement but 100% commitment to giving you the best liver supplement for drinkers that no-one and I truly mean no-one else has developed before.

Because not everybody who produces liver support has you as a drinker in mind but we do!

Figuring out what is the right combination has taken time but the good news is that means you don’t have to look any further…

If that pesky worry about years of drinking and the effect it has had on your liver health is getting you down, we hear YOU!

NOW is your chance to do something positive.

We’ve spent a lot of time and money on the best science research papers to give you what we believe is important to know.

So bear with us, there is quite a lot of information but as you can see we want you to know why we believe this is the best liver supplement for drinkers in the world right now!

So if you are ready to embrace the secret 7 nutrients available for YOU, here they are!

One Bottle – One Month Supply

Six Bottles – Six Month Supply

Three Bottles – Three Month Supply

Your guide to healthier sober sleep!

I know the busy brain syndrome can stop the best made sober sleep plans…

I’ve got your back covered here with my best selling fully downloadable audio “Sleep Well” program waiting for you right NOW!

What many people don’t realise is that processed foods and foods that have a long shelf life are full of chemicals to preserve them, which is highly toxic for the liver.

Just in two weeks by following this easy and (surprisingly tasty) liver cleanse plan, you will be well on your way to a healthier and happier liver.

Sadly, these websites have been taken down or moved so far down the search engines that you would never find them!

So, I’ve been the liver health detective for you, so you can be rest assured it’s all here for you right now!

Big Pharma has already tried to censor many people because they want to profit from synthetic alternatives that ironically damage the liver even more!

I guess the choice is yours…

Natural or man-made ways to help your liver be and feel well!

Shareholders of these companies want to silence people who have your best interests at heart because it takes the profit away from them.

It’s scary that we have got to this stage, so I don’t know how much longer this website will be available to you.

I would love it if you can hang around a few more important moments, as this is the only place you can place your order with Bridport Health Liver Support for drinkers!

With James’s help, we sourced and secured only the best of the very best high-quality ingredients…

And each batch is manufactured in small, highly monitored conditions.

Because we believe shortcuts are for other companies, who sell cheap and poor quality ingredients.

Remember, the liver can spot low quality, so there is no point going there like many other companies do!

I guess money comes first for many…

We have loved every minute of developing this supplement from a very different place.

Because we want you to receive what we know is of real value and full of integrity.

Remember we do not mass produce…

And we are happy with that…

Because we want to maintain the highest level of A-grade ingredients that arrive at your door as fresh as they left us.

So here is what I suggest you do…

Even then, you are still at high risk of choosing the wrong ingredients that aren’t necessarily good for people who drink alcohol.

Not to mention low grade, poorly sourced cheap ingredients that have no ‘real’ efficacy.

Which down the track will be like throwing money down the drain as well as your liver health too.

As you can see, I’ve taken the pain away from figuring out the right combination of ingredients into this vital liver supplement formula.

The one thing left I needed to sort out which has taken me a bit longer than planned is getting the price down…

Because each ingredient’s quality is so high… it took a little bit of convincing from the manufacturer…

However, they knew we were onto a winner here, so they gladly accepted a fair deal, so I could pass on the savings to you right now.

But if you are anything like me…

You want to make sure you have a few months supply up your sleeve…

And when you decide you are fully committed to continuing your liver health journey as a drinker to maximise your on-going success, then 6 bottles will be perfect for you.

You’ll save over 50% per bottle.

Which is cheaper than a good bottle of wine in a nice restaurant…

Imagine the feelings of relief that you are ahead of the game when it comes to looking after your liver…

Every single day without having to think about it!

Remember, this supplement you take every day for maximum results.

Which means on the days you don’t drink you are supporting your liver even more…

Then the days when you drink you are helping your liver process the alcohol so much better.

Of course, it is important to drink alcohol in a balanced and healthy way, so you are not stressing your liver too much.

As well as giving our liver supplement a good chance of working, so if you are worried about your drinking…

After clicking the add to cart button, you’ll then be taken to a secure checkout form on the next page…

Simply fill out the secure form…

Click the order button…

And we will ship your order as soon as we receive it, so you get started as soon as…

And be on your way to a healthier and leaner liver!

Plus your entire order is 100% backed by a 90 Day Money Back Guarantee – if you change your mind for any reason and return your unopened bottles.

So, if you feel for any reason that you don’t want to springboard your liver into a better space…

While still worrying about your liver, we completely respect your decision.

This is why we offer such a solid guarantee because we want you to take ownership of your own liver health and if it’s not a good fit…

Simply contact our customer service team.

We run a tight small ship as a business and we pride ourselves on being awarded in the top 1% of customer service response time in the world!

We can assure you our customer service knows me and I know them all, and they have my direct email because we like to keep it as personal as possible.

However, I am pretty confident you will be happy with our product because we’ve done our homework on liver health support…

We’ve researched, tested and come up with what drinkers are saying is well over-due…

A uniquely formulated liver supplement that speaks to them and their concerns about their liver.

Remember we are a small boutique business that caters to a niche market and we want to keep it that way.

We like being different and we like the fact that we know more about drinkers and their liver worries more than generic liver support producers.

Being a small boutique business, we are fortunate to work with the best in the industry and pride ourselves on traditional honest values.

We have what sadly seems to be an old fashioned motto these days…

The customer is always right!

Great news for your liver and you!

Simply click the add to cart button below…

You will be taken to a secure check out form on the next page…

The simple 100% secure checkout form…

And I will rush ship our your order now so you can start loving your liver more than ever!

One Bottle – One Month Supply

Six Bottles – Six Month Supply

Three Bottles – Three Month Supply

I doubt you will want a refund considering this is the first of its kind liver supplement for drinkers…

Because those who are worried about liver health need a solution that doesn’t involve medical intervention that ironically causes more liver damage.

Think smart and act now by taking ownership of your own liver health.

Brace yourself for potential on-going deterioration of your liver and the health issues it may bring.

Keep your head in the sand and drink the way you are, put your liver fears to one side and then hope that one day there will be a miracle cure for liver health.

Taking control of liver health is a logical step after many years of drinking alcohol.

Bridport Health Liver Support is a robust option for worried drinkers.

Imagine what it will be like 3 months from now where you can look at yourself in the mirror and know you’ve taken a major positive step towards improving liver health.

A decision you made because you know deep down that the years of drinking alcohol are starting to take its toll on your health.

I know drinkers are smart and savvy people, who want to get it right!

So stock up now while you still can.

I am super excited for you to start the journey of liver health.

If you have any questions regarding the tracking of your order…

It’s easy for you to directly contact my team to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you so much for reading about our Bridport Health Liver Support.

I can’t wait to hear about your improved liver health!

This supplement has been specifically developed for people who drink alcohol. However, it could also be used for people who are worried about general liver health.

If you are worried about your liver, please consult your doctor about blood tests and/or scans to show your liver’s health. It is always best to seek medical advice to understand your liver health.

Please do share your discovery of our unique and tailor-made liver support for drinkers but let them know they need to take responsibility for their own liver health by purchasing Bridport Health Liver Support themselves. You’ve taken the step in the right direction, now they should do the same.

It’s always hard to tell with the liver because as I have mentioned before, the liver doesn’t bark until it is really sick. We suggest taking blood tests to understand where your liver is right now, so you have somewhere to work from.

The liver works best with fresh and preferably organic food. The less processed foods you eat the better. Make a commitment to eating as many fruit and vegetables as you can because your liver will thank you for this big time!

Great news for your liver and you!

Simply click the add to cart button below…

You will be taken to a secure check out form on the next page…

The simple 100% secure checkout form…

And I will rush ship our your order now so you can start loving your liver more than ever!

One Bottle – One Month Supply

Six Bottles – Six Month Supply

Three Bottles – Three Month Supply

Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.

Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of Bridport Health products and related products are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

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