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Important Question for Men Aged 40 and Over…

“Is Low Testosterone Causing You to feel
Like Less of a Man…?

…Suffering from a Lack of Energy and Vitality, a Flabby Belly, ‘Man Boobs’,
and a FAILING Sex-Drive?”

Would You Like to Discover How to SAFELY
and Naturally INCREASE Your Testosterone Levels, to Be
Well Above Average, Using a Simple ’20 Second a Day’
Trick, that Can Easily Be Done by Any Man?

*Without Changing Your Diet or Lifestyle. Without Taking Harmful
Drugs or Steroids…
Using a Powerful Technique that’s 100% Proven by Science

If The Thought of A Continuous DECLINE In Your Health & Vitality Is Starting to Worry You…
…and, If You’re Concerned About NOT Being Able to Make the Most of What (Should Be) The Best Part of Your Life (Enjoying The Fruits of Your Labour,
Going on Vacations, and Spending Quality Time with Your Kids & Grandchildren…)

…Then, this WILL Be The Most Important Letter You’ll
Ever Read:

Because, You’ll Discover Why INCREASING Your Testosterone Levels is The
#1 Key to Enjoying an Exceptional Quality of Life,
for The Rest of Your Life (and, You’ll Find Out Exactly How to Do It, In Just
20 Seconds a Day)…

I’m Adam Armstrong, and in the last 10 years I’ve helped over 100,000 men, in more than 100
countries worldwide, recover their Testosterone Levels, and enjoy a much higher quality of

Now, you may be wondering if your Testosterone is actually LOW, or just normal for your age?

It’s a good question…

And, the truth is… over the years I’ve found that my 10 Step Testosterone
Quiz (see below) is the simplest, easiest way to get a good reading of exactly where
you’re at.

And, so long as you answer the questions HONESTLY , it’ll show you
whether or not you have Optimal Testosterone Levels…

10 Simple Questions that Show You Whether or Not You Have
Optimal Testosterone Levels

Do you honestly feel like you have ALL
the Health and Vitality necessary to fully enjoy your life,
each and every day – and live up to your true potential?

Do you feel like people treat you with the RESPECT you deserve?

Do you have very high levels of Drive, Determination, Motivation and Enthusiasm?

Do you have consistently High Energy Levels, all day, every

Do you have ROCK-SOLID CONFIDENCE in all
areas of your life?

Do you have a flat stomach, with good muscle tone?

Are you as FIT and STRONG as you’d like to be?

Do you wake up with ‘Morning Wood’ every single day,
without fail?

Is your Libido as HIGH now, as when you were 18-21 years old?

Do you get at least 7 hours of quality, uninterrupted sleep, every night?

If you answered “YES” to all 10 questions –
Congratulations! Assuming you answered totally honestly, It’s highly likely that
you have great Testosterone Levels

Verdict: Keep up the Good Work

If you answered “YES” to 9 questions, then Good
News: Assuming you answered totally honestly, you probably have good Testosterone
Levels, but there is definite room for improvement

Verdict: You’re doing Good, but keep reading to learn how to really OPTIMIZE your
Testosterone Levels

If you answered “YES” to 8 questions, you definitely
don’t have OPTIMAL Testosterone Levels, although they could be worse.

Verdict: Not terrible, but you could be doing a LOT better. You should definitely
do something about your Testosterone as soon as you can. Keep

If you answered “YES” to 0-5 questions, your
Testosterone Levels are almost certainly VERY LOW, you’re almost certainly feeling
pretty bad – and not very FIT – and you should address this issue immediately, because
your problems WILL get worse if you don’t.

Verdict: it’s Crucial that you keep reading this whole page from start to finish, and
ACT on everything you learn here.

If you answered “YES” to all 10 questions in The Testosterone Quiz above – you almost
certainly have very good, if not OPTIMAL, Testosterone Levels…

You’re likely a true ‘Alpha Male’…

…I’m sure you have incredible Health, Energy and Vitality… a trim,
toned Physique, with great posture, and pain-free joints… Confidence that’s off-the-charts…
and a wonderful Sex-Life.

Heck, I’m sure other men really RESPECT you, and beautiful women, half your age, want to be
with you!

Now, if that truly is you – that’s GREAT!

And, if that is the case – you might not need the incredible
20 Second a Day ‘Testosterone
Boosting Trick’ I’m going to share with you in this letter (though it would still
be of benefit to you).

However, my guess is that you probably didn’t answer “YES”
to all of the questions in The Testosterone Quiz*. And, if that’s
the case – it’s highly unlikely your Testosterone Levels are optimal.

*Most men in their 40’s typically only answer “YES” to 3-5 questions in the Quiz. And, most men
who take the quiz in their 60’s are only answering “YES” to 0-3 questions.
Proving the point that most men aged 40 + could use a serious boost in their
Testosterone Levels!

Now, you may be wondering:

It’s a good question, especially since you’ve just seen how common Low Testosterone is, once
men get past 40 years of age.

Well, here’s what you need to know:

Just because many men experience a drop in Testosterone as they age, doesn’t mean you should
just accept it – because, living with LOWER than OPTIMAL
Testosterone Levels WILL significantly
reduce the quality of your life (by crushing your Energy Levels, robbing you of Muscle Tone and
Strength, crippling your Sex-Drive, and so on).

To prove that Low Testosterone isn’t inevitable, as you age, consider the study (by Travison
TG, Araujo AB, O’Donnell AB, et al) which looked at Bioavailable Testosterone Levels in middle
age men between 1985-1987 was 237 ng/dl, while in a similar study in 2002-2005, it had dropped
to 130ng/dl, almost a 50% drop in less than 20 years!

“This proves that our middle aged men certainly can have much higher testosterone levels,
on average, than they do now. And this study shows how much lower they are in just the
last 30 years! Other research indicates testosterone levels used to be much higher still.
And, as you can see from the study, it’s Bioavailable Testosterone which is particularly
low. And Bioavailable Testosterone is what actually matters!”

“What exactly is causing so many men today, to experience Low Testosterone?”

There are a variety of factors that are causing this epidemic of Low Testosterone. They
include: estrogen in the water and food we eat, poor sleep habits, a sedentary lifestyle,
nutritional deficiencies, lack of resistance based exercise, lack of sunlight and fresh air,
chronic stress, and most importantly… poor everyday posture, which over 95% of men suffer with
in this day and age. (But more on this later…)

Testosterone Levels start to DECREASE at age 29. As I’ve just
said, the amount they decrease for most men these days is
excessive. But, the truth is… it IS inevitable that they’ll decrease to some

Usually, by the time you get to about 40 years old, the effects of the yearly decrease are
becoming noticeable…

And, with every 10 years that pass you by – 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and so on – you suffer
from lower and lower Testosterone Levels…

You’re physically, and mentally, able to do less and less than
you once could…

And, you actually end up feeling like less and less of a man…
because your manliness literally disappears…along with your testosterone.

You lose your ‘Mojo.’

Constant worries about your Health…

Declining Energy Levels – and deteriorating Fitness –
preventing you from doing the things you want to do. Whether it’s going on vacation
with your wife, heading out to play tennis or golf with your buddies, or running around with
your kids or grandkids…

It all becomes more difficult as you get older…

Even if you once had a flat, trim, and toned mid-section, once your
Testosterone Levels drop, it becomes soft and podgy… making you feel self-conscious. Chipping
away at your confidence.

Your libido probably doesn’t fire as brightly as it once did…

And, you likely notice a loss of that electrifying ‘Physical
Connection’ and ‘Spark’ you once had with your partner… leaving you feeling
frustrated, and possibly even guilty, that you can’t SATISFY them
the way you used to…

…that you can’t make them SMILE like you did when you were younger.

Everything starts to get more difficult as you get older – as your Testosterone Levels DECLINE…

What used to be fun and enjoyable, starts to feel like a chore…

As your Testosterone Levels diminish, you tend to feel like less and
less of a MAN. Slowly but surely. Things like Assertiveness, Drive,
Determination, Enthusiasm and Motivation, which give YOU, the Fire-In-Your-Belly
necessary for you to make stuff happen. To live up to your true potential, to be
Magnetically Attractive to women, and to command the respect of other men.

It all starts to fade away…


You’re just a SHADOW of your former self. With none of the Health and
Energy, Strength and Muscle Tone, Confidence and Drive, ‘Mojo’ and Libido you had
when you were YOUNGER.

Yep. This whole ‘getting older’ and ‘losing testosterone’ thing isn’t much

None of this is your fault. There is hope…

There’s a proven solution to your problems…

He’s one of the longest-standing, and most popular members of the Golf Club where I play.

And, while he doesn’t quite hit the ball as far as he did in his younger years, he has no
problem walking 18 holes every Saturday morning. And still, on a good day,
regularly beats guys 30-40 years younger.

Yep, he’s still as competitive as ever!

I often hear members in their 40’s and 50’s say things like:

“If I play half as well as Robert, when I’m his age, I’ll be a happy man”

Golf isn’t even Robert’s ‘First Love’ as far as sports go. That’d be Tennis.

He’s been playing Tennis since he was 12. That’s 75 years if you’re counting! And, he’s been a
member of the prestigious Chapel Allerton Tennis Club – in our home city of Leeds, England –
for nearly 39 and a half years.

These days, even at 87, he plays doubles with his friends (who are all 6-17 years younger than
him), every Wednesday and Friday afternoon. Without fail.

And, while he might not be quite as fast around the court as he was in his 30’s
– he’s still good enough to make a handful of members STOP, and watch him
play, every single time he hits the courts.

YES! It’s quite remarkable what he can do. Particularly his back-hand straight down the line –
I’ve seen him hit more winners with that shot, than I can count!

But. Right now, I want you to take a second to consider the following FACTS:

Like many Tennis players – he’s experienced bouts of crippling elbow and wrist pain. And, like
many Golfers – chronic back pain is something he’s suffered a couple of times over the years.

He’s had Brain Surgery.

You see, at 66 he slipped in the bathroom. On wet tiles, while getting out of the shower. As he
fell, he hit his head on the sink, causing a life-threatening bleed on the

Fortunately, after emergency brain surgery, he made a full recovery.


Much to his wife and family’s horror, he did virtually the same thing again
18 months later. This time slipping as he got out of the bath, hitting his head on the hard
tiled floor.

Another emergency brain surgery. And, thankfully…

…another full recovery.

When Robert hit 80, he noticed that he was starting to feel out of breath
doing routine things like walking up stairs. Or, popping to the local store for a pint
of milk, a loaf of bread and the Sunday morning Newspapers.

For a fit man, who was used to walking several miles every week on the Golf Course – and
playing 2-3 hours of Tennis twice a week – this didn’t make

…until, a trip to the Doctor’s Office – and several investigations and tests at the hospital –
revealed that he needed a Quadruple Heart Bypass. Yup – not
just a ‘Triple’ …

That’s a 9 hour operation!

All that before his 81st birthday.

Fast forward a few weeks after his Heart Bypass Operation, and Robert appeared to be making a
reasonable recovery. However, as the months slipped by, things started to go

You see, even though he’d had the operation on his Heart, walking 18 holes on the Golf Links
started to feel impossible –
leaving him winded, and out of breath, after just 4 or 5 holes.

Well, that was just a disaster.

After just a few minutes, running round the court would leave him feeling tired, dizzy and
gasping for breath.

All of this really hit his confidence, and pretty soon, depression-like symptoms set in.

One day last year, 6 years after the bypass operation, I noticed Robert sat in the bar at the
Golf Club. Head down. Dejected.

He seemed to have none of the fire and enthusiasm people used to find so infectious about him.

He looked like a shadow of his former self.

I wanted to see if I could help him. So, I offered to buy him a drink – his usual Soda Water
and Lemonade, with plenty of ice.

Then I got him talking…

After a few minutes, he started to really open up to me…

…telling me that his Energy Levels were only a fraction of what they
used to be…

His desire to go out to dinner with his wife Eve, had gone. Even though it’s something they’d
enjoyed doing ever since they married, some 67 years ago.

And, the thought of going on a cruise – something he and Eve had done ever since their early
50’s – was out of the question. What once put a smile on his face, now
filled him with dread.

He feared having no energy to even get to the ship, let alone get off the ship at all the
different stops, and go sight-seeing…

He constantly feared something else failing him, health wise, while they were at sea…

He didn’t want to be a burden to his wife. The idea of being weak, feeble, and useless…
filled him with despair…

However. I thought for a second, and then asked Robert if he’d had his
Testosterone Levels checked recently?

He said he hadn’t, and, as you might expect… asked me

I told him that many of the symptoms he’d told me about – including the lack of energy, the
gains in body-fat, the postural problems and joint pain, and the loss of confidence and
enthusiasm – were typical signs of suffering from low testosterone.

I suggested he go to the Doctor and get his Testosterone Levels checked.

After he spent a few minutes quizzing me a little more about this connection between
Testosterone and the various symptoms that were RUINING the quality
of his life…

A couple weeks later, he called me to let me know that he had got the test results back. And, I
agreed to meet him at the Golf Club to take at look at them with him…

Now, Robert didn’t want to do the usual things some men are advised to do when they have low
Testosterone Levels…

For instance, he didn’t want to do ‘Testosterone Replacement Therapy’ (because he was worried
about the side-effects, and the cost, both of which are significant).

He didn’t want to change his diet, because he was too set in his ways to give up his favorite

He was very skeptical of supplements – because he’d never
taken them in his life, and he tried to avoid taking pills wherever possible.

After a week of doing the movement for just 20-seconds-a-day, he was delighted that:

His Energy Levels shot up – allowing him to walk 18 holes on
the Golf Course without a problem (and play 2-3 hours of competitive
Tennis )

His newfound Health and Vitality had him rolling around on the carpet, playing
throw-and-catch, and kicking a soccer ball in the garden with his Great Grandkids, aged 2
and 4

He lost the unwanted pounds he’d gained on his belly, and regained the toned look he’d
had in his 60’s (he didn’t measure his bodyweight, but his waist measurement fell from a
soft, podgy 36”… to an impressive 34″ – and, within a month it was back down to a lean,
trim 32″)

His Confidence came back – and he felt enthusiastic and
motivated again (as opposed to feeling low and depressed)

His desire to take his wife, Eve, out to dinner – and on Cruises – returned

The discomfort in his joints disappeared – much to his
amazement! (Because he’d had wrist, elbow and lower back problems, to various degrees,
off and on, for nearly 40 years!)

Well, at 87, Robert’s now living
life to the max.

Golf. Tennis. ‘Dinner Dates’ with his wife. Spending quality time with his children,
grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Oh, and let’s not forget…

…in the past 12 months, he’s been on 3 luxury cruises.

Not bad for a guy who’s had multiple ankle surgeries, Brain surgery twice, a 9 hour
Quadruple Heart Bypass, and LOW Testosterone, right?

And, the incredible thing is…

What got him back to his best was increasing his Testosterone Levels.
Using a simple 20- Second-Trick I shared with him.

Imagine what the exact same trick could do for YOU!

Read on and I’ll tell you all about it…

Honestly, there are many ways you can INCREASE your Testosterone Levels. Safely,
without using Pharmaceutical Drugs or Treatments. Without using
illegal Steroids.

The Bad News is… most of the things you can do to increase your Testosterone Levels are
hard work. They’re time consuming. And often expensive.

For instance, you could change your Diet – but most people don’t want
to do that.

You could do heavy, demanding Strength Training several times a week at the gym. But, again, most
people don’t want to do that, they don’t have the time, or they literally can’t do it (because of
injuries and physical limitations)

And, if you really want to increase your Testosterone Levels – you could take
Supplements. Nothing wrong with that – but, most people don’t want to spend the money. And, even if
they do buy the supplements, they often end up forgetting to take them, or don’t like taking fistfuls
of pills.

Now, I’m not saying you shouldn’t improve your Diet, do Strength Training or take Supplements to
increase your Testosterone Levels. Because, all of those things can be very
beneficial (provided you do them right).

However, what I am saying, is this:

I’m about to show you the QUICKEST and EASIEST way to safely
and naturally increase your Testosterone Levels that I’ve ever come across (and I’ve been
researching this stuff, writing about it, and advising my clients on it, for over 10 years).

It’s the closest thing I’ve come across, to being a LEGITIMATE ‘Quick Fix’ – a ‘Magic
Bullet’ – when it comes to increasing your Testosterone Levels.

The key point is, that you should do it IF you’re the kind of man who just wants ONE SIMPLE THING he can
do, to raise his Testosterone Levels.

You should also do it if you’re the kind of man who is already doing lots of things to improve his
Testosterone Levels.

Either way. It’s

the perfect Testosterone Boosting Strategy
for any man


Most of us understand the importance of posture. At least on a basic level.

When you see a man with good posture – he looks healthy. He looks strong.

From a woman’s point of view – he looks attractive, like ‘a good mate’ (even if he wasn’t blessed with
the good looks of a Hollywood Movie Star).

However, there’s a HUGE BENEFIT to having good posture that hardly anyone
knows about. And, it’s 100% PROVEN by Modern Science.

It’s been PROVEN that when you improve your Posture – your Testosterone Levels go UP.

“YES,” really… that’s not a ‘typo.’

Just improve your posture:

I know this might sound a little ‘too good to be true.’ So, let me share with you one of
the many studies that prove this amazing connection between Better Posture and Higher
Testosterone Levels…

Researchers Dana Carney, Amy Cuddy, and Andy Yap asked people to come in for five-minute, gruelling
interviews where the interviewer remained expressionless the whole time.

This type of stressful experience usually leads to raised cortisol (stress hormone) levels
and lower testosterone (something you don’t

However, in this study, before the interview, participants engaged in either 2 minutes of standing with
their arms wrapped around them (a low power, low status, ‘Beta’ Posture), or they sat for 2 minutes in a
Power Pose (a high power, high status, ‘Alpha’ Posture).

The Power Pose group sat in an ‘arms up and behind the head’ pose, or stood with both arms spread out
wide on a table (picture a gorilla about ready to charge). Basically, they stood in a Pose that
demonstrated Great Posture, and could be described as ‘Alpha.’

These figures show a 30% difference in average Testosterone Levels, simply due to a change of posture.

And what you may not realize is that a 30% difference is HUGE! If you went to the Doctor, and had your
Testosterone Levels checked – a 30% difference could be the difference between having VERY HIGH
Testosterone Levels, or LOW Testosterone Levels!

And that’s just one of countless published studies showing that BETTER POSTURE leads to
HIGHER TESTOSTERONE LEVELS. I won’t bombard you with anymore Science Stuff – but, if
you’re interested, I recommend you do your own research.

Ultimately, it’s an amazing connection…

One you really should pay attention to, if you’re interested in increasing your testosterone

It is true that you can IMPROVE your POSTURE right now… by standing up
straight, pushing your chest out, pulling your shoulders back, and so on…

Because that simple act – as science has proven – WILL
increase your Testosterone Levels…

But. There’s a problem.

It requires work. It requires effort.

It means you constantly have to remind yourself to
‘stand up straight,’ pull your shoulders back, and stick your chest out.

However, most of us simply won’t remember to do it. Not on a consistent
daily basis. Not even if we try as hard as we can.

In fact, most of us RUIN our posture – and crush our Testosterone Levels – every single
day, by spending way too much time SITTING DOWN…

Let me explain: recent Research has come out saying that sitting down for just 5 hours a day is
the equivalent of smoking 20 cigarettes a day, in terms of the NEGATIVE effects on your
Health and Life Expectancy.

Most of us spend much more than 5 hours a day SITTING DOWN. A recent study said that
the average American man spends 70% of their waking life sitting down. That’s about 11
hours a day! (Or, in health terms, the equivalent of smoking over 40 cigarettes a day!)

We spend hours of every day sat down AT WORK…

And, we even spend time sitting down while we’re being ENTERTAINED (be it watching TV, at The Movies,
or even attending a live sports event).

As a society – we spend way too much time sitting down.

Your Hips get tight. As do the muscles on the backs of your Thighs, your Chest Muscles and your
Biceps. In contrast, other muscles, like those on your back and sides, get too long. This RUINS
your Posture

Your Circulation becomes worse, preventing blood flow to your extremities, sometimes causing cold
hands and feet, and potentially leading to embarrassing conditions like Erectile Dysfunctions, as
well as more serious, debilitating, and even life-threatening conditions (such as Heart Disease,
or Stroke)

As your Posture gets worse, your Testosterone Levels drop –
leading to a loss of Health, Energy and Vitality… a decline in Libido and Performance in the
Bedroom… problems with your Joints and Internal Organs… and more

The more you SIT, the sooner you’ll DIE (all other things being equal).

Yet, most of us can’t just stop sitting down. Because sitting is such an integral part of our lives.
For instance, you may have an office job where you have to sit in front of a computer most of the
day, or maybe you drive for a living…

However, it’s not all ‘Doom and Gloom.’ You see, there is a way for you to have INCREDIBLE
POSTURE – even if you sit down for HOURS every day.

Several years ago, I discovered a simple movement that dramatically improves
your Posture. Even if you do just 10 repetitions a day (taking you all of 20 seconds, max).

You don’t need to exercise for HOURS on end…

You don’t need a ton of different Stretches, or Mobility Drills…

You don’t need to spend time on a Foam Roller, or waste your hard earned cash on painful Sports

And, you certainly don’t need to constantly be telling yourself to “stand up straight, stick your chest
out, and pull your shoulders back”

Heck, if you have to constantly keep telling yourself that, all it really means is:

You don’t have a good posture!

Because, if you did have a good posture, you’d have it automatically . Without thinking about it. Without
constantly having to remind yourself to stand and sit a certain way.

The remarkable movement I’ve discovered, gives you excellent Posture, without you
having to think about it. Meaning that you have good posture all the time, whatever you’re
doing… be it sitting, standing, walking, or playing sports…

Do the movement for just 20 seconds a day, and you’ll have great posture . And therefore – great
Testosterone Levels too!

And, if you’re thinking this movement must be hard and physically demanding, don’t worry. Because it’s not.

In fact, this movement can be done by anyone, at any age. Even if you’re 99 years old,
stiff as a board, weak as a kitten, and even if you haven’t exercised in 50 years or more.

It’s an easy movement (you won’t break a sweat doing it)…

You can do it anywhere (at the gym, in your living
room, or even in your office)…

And, it requires no equipment (just your own bodyweight).
If you just do an EASY 10-repetitions-a-day (taking you just 20 seconds at the most), you’ll enjoy
much better Posture. And, much higher Testosterone Levels (because Science
has PROVEN that when you improve your Posture, you improve your Testosterone too).

‘Alpha’ Posture – helping you to ‘stand tall,’ like a man – leading to
healthier Joints, higher Testosterone Levels, and better overall Health, Energy and Vitality
(allowing you to fully enjoy your life, without fear of your body ‘holding you back’)

A stronger mid-section, with more muscle tone (because the movement I’m going to show you really
strengthens you from head-to-toe – especially your core… including your stomach and lower back)

Increased Confidence – plus … higher levels of Assertiveness, Drive,
Determination, Motivation and Enthusiasm (this is all a direct result of increasing your Testosterone

Stronger and more Resilient ankles, knees, hips, lower back, shoulders, elbows and
(this is why I do this movement before and after my strength training – and oftentimes
in between sets of heavy bench presses, squats and deadlifts too! NOTE: I also do it before and
after I hit the golf links)

Stronger ‘Pelvic Floor Muscles’ – without the need to do boring Kegel Exercises! (a ‘must’ for
bladder control, not to mention stamina ‘in the bedroom’)

Looser, more flexible muscles in the back of your thighs, hips, chest and biceps (Note: these
are some of the main muscles that get ‘tight’ and ‘short’ when you sit too much… ruining your
posture and contributing towards you having low testosterone levels)

More freedom of movement, and less tightness, in your forearms, wrists and hands (potentially
helping to relieve any discomfort or pain you have in this area)

‘Freer’ and more mobile hips – so blood circulates and flows more freely ‘down there’
(allowing you to experience HIGHER LIBIDO , and much better performance in the

Normally, to get all those benefits, you’d think you’d have to have the perfect
exercise routine, diet and lifestyle!

You’d think you’d have to invest HOURS of every day!

With this movement, that’s simply not
the case.

Because, when you do as few as 10-repetitions-a-day – you can experience all those
amazing benefits and more…

Both the Video and PDF can be watched or read any time, on your PC or MAC, Desktop or
Laptop, Tablet or Smart Phone. Giving you a ton of flexibility with regards to how
and where you digest the Testosterone-Boosting information
in The 20-Second Testosterone Trick

Exactly how to do the #1 Movement on the Planet,
that’ll give you ‘Alpha’ Posture, and increase your Testosterone Levels – giving
you outstanding Health and Vitality, improved Strength and Muscle Tone, Lower
Body-Fat Levels, Rock-Solid Confidence, more Powerful Libido… and more!

10 EASY and ENJOYABLE, Progressively More Challenging Variations of the movement
– to prevent boredom, further improve your results, and ensure you’re always excited to ‘get your
10-reps in’ each and every day)

Nutritional Secrets for improving your Testosterone Levels (Hint: combine these
secrets with the movement in The 20-Second Testosterone Trick video and you’ll get even greater

Exactly What to Wear On Your Feet – to Improve
Your Posture and Joint Health (so you can avoid Tight Muscles, Aches and Sprains,
while Maximising Your Testosterone Levels)

When you use the little-known, yet incredibly effective movement in The 20-Second Testosterone Trick —
you’ll not only transform your Posture and Testosterone Levels! You’ll also…

Improve your Muscle Mass and Strength – because higher Testosterone Levels = more
Muscle and Strength (and both Muscle and Strength are vital as you age – because they help you to
stay HEALTHY and YOUTHFUL, for as long as possible)

Decrease your Body-Fat Levels (because increased Testosterone Levels, and
decreased Cortisol/Stress Levels, lead to lower levels of Body-Fat)

Improve Your Joint Health (because the movement in The 20 Second Testosterone
Trick is incredible at improving the STRENGTH and RESILIENCE of your ankles, knees, hips, lower
back, wrists, elbows and shoulders)

Increase your overall Health and Energy Levels – because the movement in The
20-Second Testosterone Trick gives you excellent posture, which helps to improve blood flow and
circulation around your body – leading to higher levels of Energy and Vitality*
*NOTE: improving Blood Flow and Circulation is a very good thing… because many ‘Heart
Problems’ are a direct result of poor Circulation and Blood Flow! And, ‘Heart Problems’ are the
# 1 Killer in the Western World

Enjoy greater Confidence (because high Testosterone is the #1 thing that gives a
man Confidence!)

Feel more Assertive, Driven, Determined and Motivated (because Testosterone makes
you feel these things… it makes you act like A MAN… it makes you more successful)

Experience a much better connection with your woman (because women love confident
men with great posture… women love men who don’t have ‘issues’ performing in the bedroom… and
women love men who are ‘fired up,’ motivated and driven to succeed!)

Clearly then, I’m sure by now you’re starting to realize that:

I first discovered the movement, that you’re about to learn, over 6 years ago. I’ve done it EVERY SINGLE
DAY since.

And, I’ve been sharing it with other people – including family members, friends, and my 1-on-1 Coaching
Clients for over 5 years…

The success rate has been… 100%.

Every single person who tries this remarkable movement experiences better posture, increased joint
health, and, as a result – Higher Testosterone Levels (and all the wonderful benefits that gives you).

If you already have Perfect ‘Alpha’ Posture, Optimal Testosterone Levels – and the kind of
outstanding Health, Energy and Vitality that lets you do
everything you want to do, whenever you want to do it – then, you
might not need this.

If you already have a flat, strong Mid-Section, with good muscle tone – and if you already
have healthy, Pain-Free Joints that let you play sports and run around with the kids and
grandkids, without even giving it a second’s thought – then, you might not need this.

If you already have exceptional levels of Confidence and Self-Esteem – and you’re still
as ‘Fired-Up,’ Motivated, Driven and Determined as you were in your 20’s and 30’s – then, you might not
need this.

If you already have High Libido and Great Performance in the Bedroom – and if you still put a
smile on your woman’s face like you did when you were younger – then, hey, you might not
need this.

However, if you’ve ever experienced ONE of the following problems – then you can benefit greatly from
The 20-Second Testosterone Trick Video Program.

And, if you’ve ever experienced MORE THAN ONE of the following problems – problems that don’t tend to go
away on their own, and usually get worse over time – then I highly recommend you invest in a
copy of The 20 Second Testosterone Trick right now, immediately…

…because it’s going to increase the quality of your life, in many different ways, starting today…

Lacked the Assertiveness, Desire, Drive, Determination, Motivation and Enthusiasm to do what you
know you should be doing, to live up to your true potential?

Experienced Fatigue, Tiredness or Exhaustion?

Felt LOW on Confidence and Self-Esteem?

Woken up without ‘Morning Wood?’

Felt frustrated, disappointed or downright guilty because you didn’t perform in the
bedroom in the way you know your woman wants?

Been overweight – even if it’s just by 5 or 10lbs?

Felt like you should have better strength and muscle tone?

Had any Joint Pain or Injuries?

Felt a general lack of Health and Vitality that you knew was preventing you from
doing everything you wanted to do with your life?

Look. If you can honestly put your hand-on-heart and tell me that you’ve never
experienced ANY of these problems…

And, if that is the case – I recommend you carry on doing whatever you’re
doing. Because clearly, it’s working for you! 🙂

However, if you’re like 97% of men over 40, and you have experienced MORE THAN ONE of the problems above –
The movement in The 20 Second Testosterone Trick is going to be like a Miracle for you…

…giving you the Posture, and Testosterone Levels of a true Alpha Male (even if you’re in
your 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s or beyond).

Oh, and just one more thing…

Since you’ve read this far, it tells me 2 things about you:

Firstly, that you’re a man of ACTION. A man who is
willing to invest in his own health and well-being, in order to improve the quality
of his life.

For that, you have my total RESPECT.

Secondly, that you likely feel that you have less than
optimal Testosterone Levels. In which case – The 20-Second Testosterone Trick is
exactly what you need!

Of course, the truth is that there are many ways to improve your posture, and Boost your
Testosterone Levels …

…increasing your Health and Energy, improving your Muscle Tone and Strength, giving you more Confidence,
and supercharging your Libido.

But, none of the other options can give you all that in just 20-seconds- a-day!

And, some of the alternatives come with potentially very serious

Sure. Yoga can possibly improve certain aspects of your Posture. A bit.

But, most Yoga classes last 45-90 minutes. And, it often takes 2 or 3 sessions a week, over the
course of several months, to notice any real benefits!

A significant time investment.

Yoga classes cost money, and you’ve gotta get there…

Yoga also involves some poses that can actually be very detrimental to your Joint Health, and
Strength Levels (which is why you won’t ever hear me recommend it).

While Yoga can improve aspects of your Posture – it generally
won’t give you the kind of Alpha Posture you need to have. Think about it…how many
Yoga guys have you met who strike you as Real Alpha Men? That’s because, usually, Yoga
won’t do anything to improve your Testosterone Levels!

Which is why, if you who want to ‘undo’ the negative effects of sitting – and improve your posture
(so you can enjoy Higher Testosterone Levels – and all the associated benefits)…
Yoga is a very poor alternative to the movement you’re going to
discover in The 20-Second Testosterone Trick.

You know what ‘Static Stretching’ is, right?

It’s where you hold different poses, without moving, in an effort to ‘lengthen your muscles.’
You’ll see lots of people doing this in gyms, before, during and after they workout.

However, most people don’t realize that there are many drawbacks to doing this…

Static Stretching can make you WEAKER if you do it before you lift weights, or do any kind of
resistance training. And, it won’t help you perform better at sports like Tennis or Golf either
(Sports Science has proven this over and over

It’s insanely BORING (try touching your toes for 60 seconds and tell me if that isn’t just
about the
most dull thing you’ve ever done! Then, do another 14 or 15 stretches like that – to make sure
‘stretch your entire body’ – and tell me if you aren’t close to losing the will to live!)

Progress is SLOW. In fact, progress is often non-existent.
FACT: sadly, many people who do static
stretching never actually increase their flexibility at all! They just keep doing it, because
what crappy Personal Trainers tell ‘em they should do!

It won’t do anything to improve your Testosterone Levels. Nothing.

It’s very easy to do Static Stretching incorrectly,
and pull a muscle or injure a joint

I’ll never, ever , do any Static Stretching, ever again.

Remember: I do heavy resistance/weight training several times a week – and I’ve
found static stretching to be completely unnecessary (however, I do
do the movement in The 20 Second Testosterone Trick BEFORE and AFTER my gym workouts).

Static Stretching is a giant waste of time…

And, to even mention it in the same breath as the Movement you’re going to discover in The 20-Second
Testosterone Trick is a bad joke!

Of course, if you’re only interested in increasing your Testosterone* – so that you can enjoy
higher Libido, and better Sexual Performance, you could just take Pills from ‘Big Pharma.’

However, there are many downsides, including:

Results. They often don’t work (if they did – nobody would buy supplements)

Side-Effects. Of which there are many (some of which can be FATAL!)

*Lack of Testosterone. You see, Pills can improve your Blood Flow ‘down there’ (but they
won’t do anything to Boost your Testosterone)

To experience rock-solid, reliable performance in the bedroom – with a strong libido
to match…

And, to get that ‘Magical Combination’ – you need to do the Movement in The 20-Second Testosterone

While ‘Erection Pills’ might help you out in the bedroom, they won’t give you any of the non-sexual
benefits that you’ll get from spending just 20 seconds-a-day, doing the amazing movement in The
20-Second Testosterone Trick…

Take certain Anabolic Steroids and your Testosterone Levels can go

However. Before you reach for the syringe, figure out where to inject yourself, and turn yourself
into a Human ‘Pin Cushion,’ keep in mind the following FACTS:

Anabolic Steroids will do NOTHING to improve your Circulation (they may actually harm

Steroids are ILLEGAL (so you could end up with a Criminal Record for taking them. Or, worse…
you could go to prison)

Steroids are very expensive (hundreds, or thousands of dollars a month, is typical)

Steroid ‘Dealers’ are often very untrustworthy, and regularly mix the steroids with Toxic
Ingredients that can seriously harm your health – or even Kill you (in case you’re wondering
– they do this because it’s cheaper to ‘cut’ the steroids with Toxic Fillers than it is to
give you a pure product)

And, here’s the very worst thing:

When you come off the Steroids – which you HAVE TO do at some point, because otherwise the
side-effects become unbearable – your Testosterone Levels WILL plummet. Likely ending up much LOWER
than they were before.

You’ll have a very LOW libido (or no libido at all).

IMPORTANT: There’s a reason why many Bodybuilders and Athletes
who’ve taken Steroids end up saying they ‘wish they never had’ – after their athletic careers are
over. And, the reason is:

Because Steroids can really mess you up…

In fact, they can RUIN your life (or even end it).

A 5th alternative to the Movement you’re going to discover in The 20-Second Testosterone Trick is
to take a supplement.

“YES” – some supplements can improve your Circulation.

“YES” – some supplements can improve your Testosterone Levels.

Most supplements are expensive and

Some supplements are downright harmful (even though they claim
to be ‘Safe and Natural’).

It’s unpleasant and inconvenient to have to take capsules every day.

And, no supplements will improve your posture!

Plus… there isn’t a supplement on the planet, that can give you ALL the benefits of doing just 10
reps of the Powerful Movement I’m going to show you in The 20-Second Testosterone Trick.

Better posture – giving you healthier joints, tendons,
ligaments, muscles and internal organs… not to mention, improved blood flow and circulation
(all of which leads to higher levels of Health, Energy and Vitality –
precisely what you need to have if you want to fully enjoy your life and do
all that you deserve to do, with the people who mean the most to you!)

Greater Testosterone Levels (giving you better Muscle Tone and Strength, lower
Body-Fat, higher Confidence Levels, stronger Libido, and much much more)

Is doing 10 reps a day, of the Movement you’re going to discover in The 20-Second Testosterone Trick
a ‘No-Brainer?’

Well, let me ask you this first:

What’s the following worth to you:

Healthy Testosterone Levels – (that are much higher than most men your age have)

A great level of overall Health, Energy and Vitality – giving you the ability to do
all the things you want to do (without even a hint of feeling fatigued, exhausted, frail or weak)

Healthy, Pain-Free Joints – that allow you to move freely and easily… plus – a
Strong, resilient Back, that’s free from Aches and Pains

A Bullet-Proof Mind-Set – allowing you to feel Confident, Driven, Determined and
Motivated in ALL that you do

A good level of Physical Fitness and Strength, and Great Posture –
without the flabby, podgy belly most men over 40 have

Before you tell me what you think all that’s worth, check this out:

You remember my friend I told you about earlier? Robert, the 87 year old guy who loves Tennis and Golf.

Well, once I helped him to INCREASE his Testosterone Levels, using the simple movement from ‘The
20-Second Testosterone Trick’…

…he was very happy, but, much to my surprise, he was also quite ANNOYED!

I asked him why he was annoyed?

He said it was because of all the money he’d WASTED over the years, on the many things he’d tried, to try
and make himself feel better…

…none of which had worked well at all (at least not in the long-run)…

The problems being that Robert was feeling depressed, and low on confidence and motivation… he was
losing muscle and gaining fat… experiencing joint pain… and suffering from low libido.

Of course, all these problems were caused by Bad Posture, and LOW TESTOSTERONE… and
yet, none of these ‘professionals,’ who he’d paid tens of thousands of dollars, were able provide
a real, long lasting solution.

So, when you consider the VALUE of what I’m offering you right now, and just how much you would have to
spend (and probably have already spent) on an inferior approach, you could be forgiven for thinking that
I’m going to charge you a small fortune for it.

Yet, luckily for you…

That’s simply not the case.

However, that wouldn’t fit in with my Mission.

You see, my Mission is to help MILLIONS of men to become the very best men they can be.

And, any man who wants to be the best Man he can be – and live up to his
true potential – simply must do the Movement in The 20-Second Testosterone Trick…

Because, it’s the quickest and easiest way to get true ‘Alpha Posture,’ increase
your Testosterone Levels, and gain the dozens of other benefits I’ve listed for you in this

For that reason, there’s no way I’m going to make this a program just for ‘The Elites.’ I’m not going to
price regular guys out of the market.

“What exactly am I going to charge you for The 20-Second Testosterone Trick?”

Nope. I’m not going to charge you that, even though it would be a real bargain…

You’ll think it’s worth 10X that price once you do the movement and experience the Man-Making

However, I won’t even ask you for that, even though that’s the regular price. The exact price
everyone pays, when they buy The 20 Second Testosterone Trick from our online store (as opposed to
the exclusive Letter you’re reading now).

Right now, right here, today, when you invest in a copy of The 20 Second Testosterone Trick: – your
investment is just:

Outstanding ‘Alpha’ Posture…

Improved Muscle Tone and Strength…

Higher Libido and better Performance ‘In The Bedroom’

Healthier, Pain-Free Joints…

Unbreakable Confidence…

And, as if all that’s not enough to have you trying to snap my arm off, to get your hands on a copy
of The 20 Second Testosterone Trick…

…you’ll also be delighted to discover that:

Now, as I said earlier – I understand that you might still be skeptical.

And, despite the fact that you want the RESULTS you’ve been reading about in this letter – a part of you
might not be 100% convinced.

And, while I’m sure you agree that The 20 Second Testosterone Trick would be 100% worth it, IF you get
the results you want… you still may not be convinced that this will work for YOU… even though you
understand it’s worked for 1000’s of other men.

You’re right to be skeptical!

It’s true that there’s a possibility, even if it’s slim, that this won’t work for you. For instance,
right now, if you have a broken leg, or arm – you might not be able to do the movement in the
program. In that case, of course, you wouldn’t be able to get the benefits!

Here’s the thing you need to know about me:

Absolutely the LAST thing I’d ever want to do it leave you feeling misled or ripped off.

So, here’s what I’d suggest:

Let me take all the RISK. Here’s how:

Get yourself a copy of The 20 Second Testosterone Trick today, and try it out for 60 days.

Then, if you’re genuinely not 100% happy with the results – simply email or call my
friendly, English Speaking, US Based Customer Support Team (open 20 hours a day, 365 days a year)…

…and that’s exactly what you’ll get.

Without us asking you
any questions.

Without making you
jump through hoops.

Without any ‘funny

You have my word on that.

I doubt very much that you’ll ask for a refund. Because, in The 20 Second Testosterone Trick you’re
going to discover a Movement that’ll…

…supercharge your Testosterone Levels…

…dramatically improve your Posture, and Joint Health…

…endow you with incredible Confidence and Energy…

…help you improve Muscle Tone, while also losing ugly Body-Fat (giving
you a flatter, more defined Midsection)…

…boost your Libido and Performance in the bedroom…

All for just 20 seconds of ‘effort’ a day.

100% Money-Back Guarantee!

100% Money-Back Guarantee!

100% Money-Back Guarantee!

While also avoiding health-disasters like…

These days, ‘dis-eases’ that affect the BRAIN are becoming more and
more common. And, many ‘Medical Professionals’ will have you believe there’s
nothing you can do to prevent them!

I’m here to tell you, that’s simply not the case.

When you apply the information in the Super Bonus – “How to Maximise Your Brain Function”
– you can experience a whole new level of BRAIN POWER, Mental Focus,
and Clear Thinking…

…while also avoiding the potentially very scary
deterioration in Brain Function, that affects a HUGE percentage of the population in the
second half of their lives.

If you want to achieve your potential as a MAN, and be the most
successful, and fulfilled human being you can be, isn’t it fair to say that
you need your BRAIN to be operating at it’s best?

I think it is very fair to say THAT…

Because, only when your Brain operates at it’s highest level – can YOU
operate at your highest level (whether it’s in a business setting, a sports scenario, or
even in the bedroom!)

‘The Testosterone Super-Drink’

In this Special Report, I’ll show you a Recipe for a Testosterone Boosting Super-Drink

Now, you might be wondering if it’s absolutely necessary to
consume this Testosterone Super-Drink, if you’re already
going to be doing the Testosterone Boosting Movement in The 20 Second Testosterone Trick?

While it’s not absolutely necessary –
because the Movement in The 20 Second Testosterone Trick is already going to dramatically
IMPROVE your Testosterone Levels…

…it’s still a great idea to drink the Testosterone Super-Drink –
because it’s going to make your RESULTS even better!

I first discovered the potential for a Powerful Testosterone Boosting
Drink, when I was competing in the Strength Sport of Powerlifting…

…I wanted every ‘edge’ I could get over my competitors. So, I began experimenting with
different ingredients and drinks, in an effort to put on MUSCLE, and build STRENGTH,

But, I didn’t want to take the usual Bodybuilding Protein Powders, Weight Gainers and
T-Boosters, that you find in Sports and Supplement Stores.

Because, I know that a lot of what’s in those products is very UNHEALTHY, filled with
artificial chemicals and ingredients that do A LOT more harm than good, in the long-run.
And, they stop working after you use them for a while.

All of this made me determined to come up with a recipe that used only
all-natural, healthy ingredients, because I knew it was the only thing that
would be sustainable, and wouldn’t give me nasty side effects.

The problem was, my first experiments tasted disgusting,
and didn’t give me the results I was looking for. It cost a small fortune to test all the
different ingredients, and most of it ended up going down the sink (because I’m not the kind of person who can force feed myself stuff that
tastes bad).

Anyhow, after a while, I had some SUCCESS – because I started to actually notice some
real benefits from the drinks I was making.

But, I noticed an annoying pattern:

When I made a drink that tasted great, it wasn’t effective at
boosting my Testosterone (and it didn’t give me any of the Energy or Strength gains I was
looking for).

However, when I made a drink that really worked – giving me
greater Testosterone, Energy, and Strength – I only just
managed to force myself to drink it, because it tasted so BAD.

See, the problem is that a lot of the most effective ingredients had quite a bitter
taste. So, I eventually realised that the Art was to balance the tasty flavors in a way
that made the stronger, Testosterone Boosting flavors ‘invisible’.

And, after many attempts, I finally discovered a ‘Secret Ingredient.’
Something delicious, that masked the taste of the highly effective, yet bitter tasting

Once I’d made this discovery, which took several years, I finally
perfected the recipe of the Testosterone Super-Drink… and I haven’t looked
back since.

You see, that was over 5 years ago, and I’ve been drinking this Testosterone Super-Drink,
or one of my other similar recipes, every day

I recommend you have this drink at least 3 times a week (though even once a week is still
very beneficial).

Do that, as well as doing the movement in the 20 Second Testosterone Trick – and you’re
going to feel like a whole new man!

When you drink the Testosterone Super-Drink regularly, you’ll experience things like:

And, if you’re thinking this all sounds GREAT – but you’re worried the Super Bonuses are going
to be some 550 page long Special Reports that’ll take you 3 or 4 weeks to read…

Because, I’ve actually made sure these Special Reports are short enough to
read in 15-20 minutes or less (while still telling you
everything you need to know to dramatically improve
your Brain Function, and further INCREASE your Testosterone).

Science has PROVEN that there’s a direct connection between how
good your Posture is, and how healthy your Testosterone
Levels are.

The better your Posture, the better your

Is it merely a coincidence that in today’s society, a huge number of men have TERRIBLE Posture,
and ever-decreasing Testosterone Levels?

The two are connected. And, SCIENCE has PROVEN it!

You see, most of us sit down way too much. When travelling,
working, eating and even when ‘chilling out and relaxing.’

For most of us, SITTING is a way of life. We spend more of our waking hours sat down, than
doing anything else.

And, the more we SIT, the worse and worse our Posture gets. And, the
worse your Posture gets – the worse your Testosterone Levels become (as well as all the health
problems related to excessive sitting, that you learned about earlier in this letter).

Of course, the ideal answer to this problem is:

“Don’t sit down so much. Move much more. Exercise for several hours a
day, like our ancestors did.”

But, that’s not very practical advice for today’s world –
where most of us travel using modes of transport where you must sit down. And, work in
environments where you really don’t have any choice other than to sit.

Keep the following Key Points in mind…

I’m sure it’s clear to you by now that a less than optimal Posture, PLUS Low Testosterone Levels,
WILL give you an overall Quality of Life that’s nowhere near as good as it could be…

That’s a great question my friend.

Several years back, I discovered a remarkable movement…

Done correctly, this movement will give you ‘Alpha Posture’ (where you AUTOMATICALLY stand
tall, with your chest out, shoulders back, and stomach in – without having to think about it.
Without having to constantly remind yourself to do it)…

As a result, it can increase your Testosterone Levels.

And, it’ll give you these Postural and Testosterone improvements, even if you spend A LONG TIME
sat down every day. There’s no other movement, or exercise, that can give you these benefits,
especially not in just 20 seconds a day!

It’s a simple movement, that’s VERY powerful.

Yet, hardly anyone knows about it.

Now, before you start worrying that this movement must be really tricky, and
that it’s only suitable for fit young 20-somethings, don’t worry! Because:

This movement can be done by any man, of any fitness level. Even if they’re 99 years
old, stiff as a board, weak as a kitten, and haven’t exercised in 50 years (NOTE: I’ve
successfully got both my Grandparents doing this movement, daily – and they’re
approaching 90! My Dad, who’s 63, also does it every day, without fail, and it’s
transformed his physical abilities, both on the Tennis Courts, and on his Mountain

You don’t need any equipment – just your own body (meaning that you can do this
movement, and reap the Testosterone-Boosting Benefits anywhere you like – at home, in
your living room, at the gym, even at your office… basically, you can do it anyway
where you have soft flooring – like carpet – or a Yoga/Exercise Mat)

And, here’s the best bit:

To improve your Posture, and boost your Testosterone Levels using this amazing
movement, all you need do is 10-reps-a-day – any time of day you like (IMPORTANT: 10
reps will take take you 20 seconds, max. You have 20 seconds in a day, right?)

In my new video program called:

‘The 20-Second Testosterone Trick’

Invest in a copy today. Watch the video. Do the movement.

It’ll change your life, for the better, forever.

It’s as simple as that.

Imagine what it’d be like to have INCREDIBLE Posture, and Optimal Testosterone Levels – no
matter what your age…

Your Lower Back and Joints
WILL be Mobile, Strong, Resilient and PAIN-FREE –
allowing you to participate in sports like Golf and Tennis (and letting you throw a
football with your son, and ride bikes and play hide-and-seek with your grandkids – all
without fear of tearing a muscle or damaging a joint)

Your Energy, Vitality and overall Well-Being will be amazing…
meaning, you’ll be able to take your woman out to dinner, go on vacation, take walks on
the beach while watching the sunset, and do all the things you want to do (but won’t be
able to do if you’re lacking a high level of Health)

Your Mid-Section will be Flat and Strong, and you’ll have good Muscle
Tone – just like you probably did in your 20’s (with none of the soft, doughy,
weak look most men get, once they hit their mid-30’s and beyond)

Your Confidence will be Unbreakable, – and you’ll feel
Driven, Determined, Motivated and Enthusiastic all the time (this is in stark contrast to
how most men feel as they age – where Confidence becomes a thing of the past, and their
‘Mojo’ eludes them)

Your Libido and Performance in the Bedroom will be something to be
proud of – something that still puts a HUGE smile on your woman’s face (let’s
face it… most men can’t say that once they get past 35 or 40)

If you want ALL those benefits, and more – all you
have to do is improve your Posture. Because, as Modern Science has proved, your Testosterone
Levels will INCREASE as your Posture improves.

It’s an amazing discovery.

And, one I’m delighted to be able to help you take advantage

You don’t have to change your entire lifestyle, diet and sleep routine to
improve your Posture and Testosterone Levels. Nor do you have to start a fancy
exercise routine.

And, you certainly don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars an hour on expensive treatments from
Physios and Chiropractors…

Not once you start doing just 10 reps of the little-known, yet highly effective (and easy)
movement you’re going to discover in The 20-Second Testosterone Trick

So, why has this remarkable movement remained a secret so long?

The Big Pharmaceutical Companies have done their best to keep it a secret.
To keep it from good, honest, decent people like YOU – so they can make Billions
of Dollars selling Toxic, Dangerous Drugs and Treatments… including things like
Testosterone Replacement Therapy (which can give you many potential side-effects, some of
which can be life-threatening).

Ultimately, it’s your call my friend.

Given that you have nothing to lose, because:

…all of which, makes this a ‘no-brainer’ for you.

But, I can’t make the decision for you. It’s up to you.

If you want crappy Posture, and low Testosterone – and if you’re happy feeling low on
Energy, with an embarrassingly soft mid-section, low confidence and non-existent libido…

…be my guest, and carry on as you are.

However, if you want Alpha Posture and
Optimal Testosterone Levels…

If you want the Health, Energy, Muscle Tone, Confidence and Libido necessary to fully enjoy
your life, and live it to the MAX – you already know what to do…

Invest in a copy of The 20-Second Testosterone Trick Video Program right
here, right now, today. And, be sure to let me
know about all the positive results you experience from it.

I know it’s going to change your life – like it’s changed mine – and, I’m delighted to be
able to share this amazing movement with you…

Choose an order option below. Hit the ‘Order Now’ Button,
have your credit card ready, and follow the easy 1-Step Checkout Process:

100% Money-Back Guarantee!

100% Money-Back Guarantee!

100% Money-Back Guarantee!

Wishing you an Alpha Posture and Healthy Testosterone Levels…

Creator of The 20-Second Testosterone Trick

Co-Founder of The New Alpha

Poor Posture leads to less than Optimal Testosterone Levels.

It’s a Scientifically Proven FACT.

In contrast, the better your Posture, the healthier your Testosterone

Combine the 2 – ‘Alpha’ Posture’ and Healthy Testosterone Levels, and:

Your Lower Back and Joints will be Mobile, Strong, Resilient and
PAIN-FREE – allowing you to participate in sports like Golf and Tennis (and
letting you throw a football with son, and ride bikes and play hide-and-seek with your
grandkids – all without fear of tearing a muscle or damaging a joint)

Your Energy, Vitality and overall Well-Being will be amazing…
meaning that you’ll be able to take your woman out to dinner, go on vacation, take walks
on the beach while watching the sunset, and do all the things you want to do (but won’t
be able to do if you’re lacking a high level of Health)

Your Mid-Section will be Flat and Strong, and you’ll have good Muscle
Tone – just like you did in your 20’s (with none of the soft, doughy, weak
look most men get once they hit their mid-30’s and beyond)

Your Confidence will be Unbreakable, – and you’ll feel
Driven, Determined, Motivated and Enthusiastic all the time (this is in stark contrast to
how most men feel as they age – where Confidence becomes a thing of the past, and their
‘Mojo’ eludes them)

Your Libido and Performance in the Bedroom will be something to be
proud of – something that still puts a huge smile on your woman’s face (let’s
face it… most men can’t say that once they get past 35 or 40)

The simplest, quickest and easiest
way to improve your Posture, and boost your Testosterone Levels – in just 20-seconds-a-day! –
is to do the movement in The 20-Second Testosterone Trick Video

This movement is suitable for ALL men, of all ages, and any Fitness ability…

It can be done anywhere, anytime of day. All you need is your
bodyweight, and soft flooring like a rug, carpet or yoga mat (no other equipment is necessary).

Science has PROVEN that,

The little-known, yet highly effective movement in The 20-Second

Testosterone Trick Video Program WILL

in just 20-seconds-a-day.

As you get older, many people suffer from debilitating mental challenges. Including:

Forgetfulness, a lack of Mental Clarity, an inability to Focus, and a general slowing
down of the Brain that leads to everything taking longer to understand and comprehend. Of
course, these issues can, ultimately, lead to 2 very scary diseases:

In this Special Report you’ll discover how to MAXIMIZE your Brain Function…

…helping you to think more Clearly, enjoy improved Memory, Focus
and Clarity, and avoid the mental issues I just mentioned above…

In this special report you’ll discover a recipe that took literally YEARS – and thousands
of dollars – to perfect. The recipe is for a great-tasting drink that’ll dramatically
increase your Testosterone Levels.

When you do the movement in The 20 Second Testosterone Trick, AND enjoy this powerful
drink several times a week – for breakfast, as a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack (or
even to give you MASSIVE enjoy before ‘working out’ or playing sports) – you’ll get even
greater results. Meaning, even higher Testosterone Levels…

…because, the ingredients in this drink have been PROVEN to boost
your Testosterone. And, when combined in the specific quantities in “The
Testosterone Super-Drink” they’re even more powerful than when taken individually.

Yet you get both for FREE when you order The 20 Second Testosterone Trick today.

Now, as I said earlier – I understand that you might still be skeptical.

And, despite the fact that you want the RESULTS you’ve been reading about in this letter – a
part of you might not be 100% convinced.

And, I’m sure you agree that The 20 Second Testosterone Trick would be 100% worth it, IF you
get the results you want… you still may not be convinced that
this will work for YOU… even though you understand it’s worked for 1000’s
of other men.

You’re right to be skeptical!

It’s true that there’s a possibility, even if it’s slim, that this won’t work for you. For
instance, right now, if you have a broken leg, or arm – you might not be able to do the
movement in the program. In that case, of course, you wouldn’t be able to get the benefits!

Here’s the thing you need to know about me:

The absolutely LAST thing I’d ever want to do it leave you feeling misled or ripped off.

So, here’s what I’d suggest:

Let me take all the RISK. Here’s how:

Get yourself a copy of The 20 Second Testosterone Trick today, and try it out for 60 days.

Then, if you’re genuinely not 100% happy with the results – simply
email or call my friendly, English Speaking, US Based Customer Support Team (open 20 hours a
day, 365 days a year)…

…and that’s exactly what you’ll get.

Without us asking you any questions.

Without making you jump through hoops.

Without any ‘funny business.’

You have my word on that.

I doubt very much that you’ll ask for a refund. Because, in The 20 Second Testosterone Trick
you’re going to discover a Movement that’ll…

…supercharge your Testosterone Levels…

…dramatically improve your Posture, and Joint Health…

…endow you with incredible Confidence and Energy…

…help you improve Muscle Tone, while also losing ugly Body-Fat (giving you a flatter, more
defined Midsection)…

…boost your Libido and Performance in the bedroom…

All for just 20 seconds of ‘effort’ a day.

100% Money-Back Guarantee!

100% Money-Back Guarantee!

100% Money-Back Guarantee!

You don’t need any equipment.

This Movement is very versatile. You can do it anywhere
(so long as you have a soft surface, such as a rug, carpet, or yoga mat).

I regularly do it during my ‘Strength Training Sessions’ – while I’m resting between sets
of exercises like Bench Presses and Squats.

And, I also do it in my office. Every hour or so, I’ll get up from my desk (where I’m sat
down), and I’ll do 10 reps of the Movement in The 20-Second Testosterone Trick, to
‘reset’ my Posture, open up my hips, and so on.

Sometimes I even do it in the evening – on the carpet, in my living room – when I’m
chilling out watching TV.

The Movement in The 20-Second Testosterone Trick can be SAFELY
performed by ANY man. Old, weak, stiff as a board. (Note: I’ve had my
Grandparents do it – without a problem – and they’re both in their mid 80’s).

It’s not a difficult Movement.

It won’t have you huffing and puffing. Nor will it make you sweat buckets.

What it will do, is dramatically improve your Posture, and supercharge your Testosterone
Levels. Giving you benefits like healthier joints, improved muscle
tone and strength, and higher libido.

Just 10 reps of this movement (taking you about 20 seconds – so, no time at all!) will
give you the postural and hormonal qualities necessary to fully enjoy
your life.

First, you need to click the ‘Order Now’
Button below, and you’ll then be presented with 3 order options.

You need to choose 1 of these options.

Video Only – If you choose this option, you’ll get access to
The 20 Second Testosterone Trick Online Membership Area, where you’ll have ‘lifetime’
access to all your Videos via your computer, tablet or smartphone.

PDF Special Report – If you choose this option, you’ll get
access to The 20 Second Testosterone Trick PDF Special Report, an online book which you
can read on your computer, tablet or smartphone.

Video and Special Report – If you choose this option, you’ll
get access to The 20 Second Testosterone Trick Online Membership Area, where you’ll have
‘lifetime’ access to all of your videos via your computer, tablet or smartphone. Of
course, you’ll also get the PDF Special Report too. (This order option is the best value
for money and the one the majority of people select).

Once you’ve made your selection, click the Order button for that option, and you’ll be
taken to a secure, 1-step checkout page, which looks like this:

Your order will be taken by the retailer Clickbank, to give you complete peace of mind.

Clickbank are a highly respected global online retailer of digital
products (such as eBooks, Audio and Video Courses), and they are accredited and
approved by all the major credit card companies, including Mastercard, Visa, Discover,
American Express and PayPal.

Just fill out your billing and payment details, and click ‘Order Now’

Important: When you order, make sure to use an email address that you
have easy access to.

Because, once you’ve ordered, you’ll be sent an email to this email address, confirming
your order.

A second email will give you Access and Login Details for the Online Video Membership
Area, if you’ve chosen the Video Option.

And, you’ll receive an email with a link to your PDF Special Report, if you’ve chosen
this option.

If you have wisely gone for the best value option, you’ll be sent access to both.

All emails will come from me: Adam Armstrong.

The Email Address will be: [email protected]

Of course, if you have any issues ordering, or accessing your product, you can just email
or call our friendly, English Speaking Customer Service Team,
available 20 hours a day, 7 days a week. Just email [email protected] call [123-456-7890]

The program shows you a Movement that’ll improve your Posture, and
increase your Testosterone Levels…

Even if you simply do just 10 reps a day, taking about 20 seconds.

Now, you might be wondering why you need to invest in a 90 minute video program, to learn
how to do a movement that’s going to take you just 20 seconds a day?

Because although the movement is not very physically
demanding, and is only going to take you 20 seconds a day, I do need to show you how to
do it PROPERLY – so you are totally SAFE when you do it, and so you get the MAXIMUM
RESULTS every time (and, there are some subtleties to the
movement, that I need to show you, before you do it).

Now, learning the actual basic movement is only a 15 minute video. But of course, if you
do the same movement every day you can get bored!

That’s why, in the program, you’ll also learn 10 different, progressively more
challenging variations, none of which you HAVE TO learn, but all of which you’ll WANT TO,
once you start to experience the benefits, and want to get to the next level.

All of this explains why I’ve made The 20 Second Testosterone Trick video program.

And, here’s the really Good News:

Once you’ve watched the video, and you know how to do the movement, you’ll never forget
how to do it. Meaning, you’ll be able to get the benefits from it,
every day, for the rest of your life!

Yes. Meaning, you can order with total peace-of-mind.
Without worrying about ‘the money.’

No Questions Asked, 60 Day, 100% Satisfaction, or your Money-Back.

Get yourself a copy of The 20 Second Testosterone Trick, and try it out for 60 days.

Then, if you’re genuinely not 100% happy with the results –
simply email or call my friendly, English Speaking, US Based Customer Support Team (open
20 hours a day, 365 days a year)…

…and that’s exactly what you’ll get.

Without us asking you any questions.

Without making you jump through hoops.

Without any ‘funny business.’

You have my word on that.

Can’t say fairer than that!

All that said, I very much doubt you’ll ask for a refund…

Because, what man in his right mind wouldn’t be happy to spend 20 seconds a day, doing a
simple, enjoyable Movement… that’ll give him truly ‘Alpha’ Posture, and Supercharge
his Testosterone Levels (causing him to experience higher Energy Levels, a
strong toned body, rock-solid confidence, and the quality
of sex-life he and his wife truly deserve).

It’s a total ‘no-brainer.’

This Movement is DYNAMITE!

And, I’m so happy you’re about to order The 20-Second Testosterone Trick, and discover
how to do it! I think it’s going to become a key part of your
lifestyle. Because it works.

“I’m lucky enough to know Adam, and he sent me a copy of The 20 Second Testosterone Trick
several months before it’s release. I watched the videos and began doing the movement as
Adam suggested. The results have been exceptional… my
Posture is better, I’m making better gains in the gym (in terms of muscle and strength),
my hip mobility is more fluid, my lower back discomfort has eased
(which has greatly improve my golf game – in terms of the distance I now hit the
ball, and my scores). I’m really grateful to have learned about this movement. It’s very
simple and delivers great results.”

“The Movement in The 20 Second Testosterone Trick is AWESOME. In less than a minute a day
it’s given me better results than anything else I’ve ever tried (including expensive
massages and trips to the physio, painful stretching routines, and God knows what else).
I feel taller, I’m fitter, I’m stronger, my confidence is higher,
and my libido is through the roof!”

“This is a no-brainer. 10 reps a day have made me feel 20 years
younger. Better Posture, Higher Testosterone Levels, increased strength. The
list of benefits goes on and on. I feel so much more confident, and my wife constantly
keeps telling me how great I look (and feel!). Even if I wanted to stop doing the
movement – which I never would by the way – I don’t think she’d let me!”

“When I first watched The 20 Second Testosterone Trick I was concerned that Adam had
over-sold the benefits. I mean, the movement looked cool, but it didn’t look
life-changing. However, I’ve been a loyal customer of Adam’s for years, so out
of respect, I decided to try it for a few weeks. Thankfully, I was WRONG to be skeptical.
The movement has had an incredible effect on me. My old ‘head
forwards’ posture is gone. Discomfort in my knees, back and shoulders has gone. I’ve been able to lift weights, pain-free, for the first time in 15
years. My performance in bed is way better. Have my Testosterone Levels gone
up? Well, I can’t say for certain, because I’ve not had them tested, but it seems likely
given how much STRONGER I feel – in the gym, and in the bedroom! Highly recommended”

“The 20 Second Testosterone Trick ticks all the right boxes… the videos are
exceptionally well done, Adam’s explanations of why the movement works, and how to do it,
is perfect. And, most importantly – the movement delivers. 30 days in, I’m experiencing
so many of the benefits he promised… I feel healthy, I feel energized, I’m confident,
I’ve gained muscle and lost body-fat, my wife has commented that I’m performing in the
bedroom like I did when I was 30! Overall, since doing the movement as Adam recommends, I
guess you could just say I’m feeling really ‘Fit and
Well’ – which is great! 5/5”

100% Money-Back Guarantee!

100% Money-Back Guarantee!

100% Money-Back Guarantee!

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New Alpha is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


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