November 27 brings the last full moon of autumn our way at 4:16 a.m. ET. This lunation is the final part of the events that occurred on May 30 2022, during the new moon in Gemini. Unfortunately, the full moon brings zero chill our way — but it’ll open our eyes to things we have overlooked in the past, even though we may not choose to believe what we see. Full moons bring matters to light and illuminate situations that need to evolve, and there is an opportunity to do so — only if we sincerely want to.
Mars in Sagittarius and Saturn in Pisces creates a wide T-square with the sun in Sagittarius and the moon in Gemini. A T-square is a fraught astrological aspect that consists of two planetary oppositions that also square a planet. It forms a T shape in the sky. In this case, the moon opposes the sun and Mars while squaring Saturn. T-squares can be challenging since they intensify situations and make us feel like we need to act immediately (which we don’t always need to do). In this case, we might feel the dominant forces in our lives are pushing us to change. The issue is that we aren’t quite ready to spread our wings and fly.
Part of the hesitation and confusion about moving forward is the connection between Mercury in Sagittarius and Neptune retrograde in Pisces (this transit perfects hours after the full moon), while Mercury will be in its pre-retrograde zone. Mercury retrograde and Neptune square on December 27. They connect again when Mercury turns direct on January 8 2024. The story that unfolds on the day of the full moon will rear its head two more times in our lives.
If we use the energy to its highest power by offering an understanding of matters and compassion to ourselves and others, then we are ahead of the game. Doing so may be intensely felt hard truths will be revealed. Don’t forget that the biggest lies are the ones we tell to ourselves. Now is the time to be honest with ourselves about the ways in which we can improve our lives for the better, or to come clean to others about our feelings and indiscretions. November 26 brings Mercury to the nodes of destiny, making the events of November 27 fated. Two days after the full moon, on November 29, Venus links up with the south node of destiny in Libra, causing the aftershocks of the 27th to sting and cause heartbreak or financial loss.
Add the asteroids Black Moon Lilith and Ceres to the mix, and the vibe escalates. These asteroids will push us to confront situations and people to get to the bottom of matters. As a result, we won’t want to hold back in our responses. Therein lies the dramatic element of the full moon. The vertex of the chart is close to the moon, urging us to take a new approach to relationships and assert our autonomy. Choosing the right words at the pristine time is vital, as it’ll help to limit arguments. Have an open mind and step outside of your the emotional comfort zone and initiate necessary and the challenging conversations necessary now. The fixed star Prima Hyadum, γ Tauri, brings an air of scandal factor and falling from grace. We can avoid this scenario with a generous approach: don’t allow selfish motives and greed to prevail.
Overall, this isn’t a pleasant full moon. The best way to stay out of trouble is to lead with kindness. Even though the full moon is packed with harsh factors, it’s essential to know that we always have a choice in how we wish and want to proceed — especially under the Gemini moon. Before acting out and reacting, we must take a minute to decide how we want to deal with the unfolding events. Words of advice: Don’t rush into divulging all the information. Exercise patience until then.
Meditation and breathing exercises will help by relaxing our energy and bringing mindfulness. Plus, these activities are going to keep us grounded and in the present — to ensure we aren’t making a mountain out of a molehill or behaving in ways we might later regret.
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